Multiculturalism society 5.0 In the perspective of pancasila

  • Achmad Soeharto Faculty of Law Pekalongan University


Multiculturalism in a modern society that haterogentity becomes important in building civilization in a Democratic state. With the mulcultural character of Indonesian Society, of course tolerance and acceptance of diversity, both ethnic, religious, racial and inter-group, is a must in Society 5.0. In an era of disruption that is full of information technology, such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data, then in Society 5.0, a concept of humancentered society and information technology-based. Society 5.0 is a society of information users, so access to technology and any information is used to facilitate human life. The development of social change can be through various channels, including through the means of information technology is very rapid, it is necessary for awareness to give more role to humans. With the heterogeneity and structure of different societies in this era of disruption, multiculturalism must be used as a means to build national unity. Pancasila as the legal ideal, in Society 5.0 must always be the glue and unifier of a multicultural society. The attitude and behavior of mutual respect, respect for differences and tolerance is a necessity that must be grown in the state of Pancasila law.