International Conference Faculty of Law en-US [email protected] (Dr. Sami’an, S.H., M.H.) Wed, 10 May 2023 05:40:49 +0000 OJS 60 Multiculturalism society 5.0 In the perspective of pancasila Multiculturalism in a modern society that haterogentity becomes important in building civilization in a Democratic state. With the mulcultural character of Indonesian Society, of course tolerance and acceptance of diversity, both ethnic, religious, racial and inter-group, is a must in Society 5.0. In an era of disruption that is full of information technology, such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data, then in Society 5.0, a concept of humancentered society and information technology-based. Society 5.0 is a society of information users, so access to technology and any information is used to facilitate human life. The development of social change can be through various channels, including through the means of information technology is very rapid, it is necessary for awareness to give more role to humans. With the heterogeneity and structure of different societies in this era of disruption, multiculturalism must be used as a means to build national unity. Pancasila as the legal ideal, in Society 5.0 must always be the glue and unifier of a multicultural society. The attitude and behavior of mutual respect, respect for differences and tolerance is a necessity that must be grown in the state of Pancasila law. Achmad Soeharto Copyright (c) The Role Of Correctional Institutions In The Development Of Prisoners Of Narcotics Abuse In Indonesia The development of Science and Technology which has a negative impact, especially in the development of crime, is mainly supported by the opportunity to commit crimes, one of which is narcotics abuse which is certainly influenced by promiscuity and moral education that is not well received by the community. The rise of narcotics abuse in Indonesia Regency, with the circulation of news in print and online media, makes writers interested in seeing the role of prisons in fostering narcotics prisoners. This type of research is empirical juridical which is descriptive analysis, namely describing, describing, analyzing and explaining analysis of the problems raised. The data needed in this study is primary data whose sources come from sources or respondents, in this case the Head and Officers of the Indonesia Correctional Institution, and secondary data is used whose sources come from legislation, the work of the general public and various literatures. support this research. The results showed that the Penitentiary in Indonesia in coaching carried out activities for prisoners: physical and mental health checks, carrying out a series of worship activities and training skills. This method currently has a positive impact on inmates so that it is hoped that later inmates after serving their sentences can return to normal lives and not commit the same crimes. Sitta Saraya, Nabila Ulya Copyright (c) Debureaucratization and Deregulation of Trade-Related Laws in Indonesia to Increase Exports The COVID-19 pandemic caused the majority of countries in 2020 to experience an economic crisis and economic growth in 2021 to slow down. Trade is one of the sectors affected by the pandemic in 2020 due to the policy of limiting activities to reduce the negative impact of COVID-19 and slowing down of economic activities. This condition also becomes more difficult if the number of laws and regulations is considered too many and overlapping. In the midst of pandemic and uncertainty, a breakthrough is needed. Therefor this research will discuss Debureaucratization and Deregulation of Trade-Related Laws in Indonesia to Increase Exports. Based on the Juridical Legal Analysis, it can be seen that since Omnibus Law/the Act Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and its derivative regulations related to trade has been enacted, there is potential to create Legal Simplification. In 2021, there are 4 new technical regulations derived from Omnibus Law (Regulation of the Minister of Trade No.16 concerning Verification or Technical Investigation in the Foreign Trade Sector, Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 17 concerning Exporters and Importers of Good Reputation, Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 18 concerning Export Prohibited Goods and Goods Prohibited from Imports, and Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 19 concerning Export Policies and Regulations) which are expected to improve the ease of doing business and export in Indonesia. After the enactment of these 4 Regulations of the Minister of Trade in 2021, there are 24 old regulations that have been withdraw and declared inapplicable. Apart from that, there is also ease of doing business for exporters, such as for coffee commodities, where coffee export licensing is simplified because this commodity is excluded as goods that are regulated by the export trade system so that coffee becomes a product that is free to be exported. The regulation of an online licensing system can minimize the cost and the possibility of direct meetings between business people and the government so as to reduce the opportunities for corruption, collusion and nepotism. The online system of the Indonesia National Single Window (SINSW) and INATRADE systems can facilitate the process of disclosure of information and permits needed by stakeholders to increase ease of doing business, including Indonesian exports. Kumara Jati Copyright (c) Society 5.0 legal culture in the era of disruption a sociological study The legal culture of society in an era of disruption characterized by the rapid pace of information technology is a new order and civilization in the history of mankind. The Era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 is a glorious period of world civilization marked by the rapid pace of Information Technology characterized by artificial intelligence and Big Data. All spheres of life are affected by it, and the legal one is no exception. The real fundamental problem is how humans should be fully involved as the main component that is expected to elaborate with technology. Culture of society 5.0 expected in all aspects of attitude and behavior must be in accordance with what the law requires. So in this information technology vortex, Society 5.0 must prioritize a sense of humanism and sensitivity to mutual respect among citizens. The legal culture of modern society with modern law and the rapid development of technology is a very positive combination in the current era of disruption. The development of human civilization elaborated with this technology as the peak of creativity and Innovation Society 5.0. For this reason, it is necessary to act and behave in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. This is the need for legal awareness in society. People whose behavior and attitude are good, reflect good laws. With a good legal culture of society, the patterns of behavior expected by law have been achieved. Thus, the life of the people who aspire to be based on tolerance, mutual respect, and mutual respect can be realized in the era of disruption Anik Kunantiyorini Copyright (c) Implementation readiness blended learning The pekalongan university This research is titled readiness implementation of Blended Learning at Pekalongan University. Thisresearch was conducted with the aim to (1) Describe the readiness of students and lecturers Unikal in the implementation of blended learning, and (2) describe the factors that affect the implementation of blended learning on campus Unikal. This type of research is a case study with qualitative research methods. The results showed (1) lecturers at the University have been prepared in implementing blended leaning (2) Need to increase the quantity and quality of facilities and infrastructure for blended learning learning (3) the main inhibiting factor in online learning is the signal. Siti As adah Hijriwati, Zahro Copyright (c) Abuse Of Circumstances In The Act Of Borrowing Money Into Land Buying And Selling Actions An agreement can be born when an agreement has been reached from the parties concerned. In this case, a unanimous agreement must be reached, which does not contain elements of coercion, misguidance, or deception, and is given in a free atmosphere without any pressure. In practice, it is not uncommon to find conformity between the will and the statement which contains defects in the will. As happened in the case of abuse of circumstances in the act of borrowing and borrowing into the act of buying and selling land experienced by Nurhaidah Tomeys in the Supreme Court Decision Number 617 PK/Pdt/2016. This study aims to determine the regulation of abuse of circumstances in Indonesian positive law, the elements of abuse of circumstances contained in borrowing and borrowing into buying and selling land, The method used in this study is a normative juridical approach, with research specifications using qualitative research with descriptive analysis, data collection methods using primary data and secondary data, for data analysis methods using qualitative data analysis. The results obtained from the study are that abuse of circumstances in the Indonesian judiciary has been accepted as one of the reasons for defects in the will followed by jurisprudence. There is an element of abuse of circumstances in the form of abuse of economic and psychological conditions carried out by creditors against debtors whose economic and psychological conditions are lower in the case of the Supreme Court decision No. 617 PK/Pdt/2016. And the judge's consideration on the Supreme Court's decision no. Sukainah Naura Azzahra, Suryani, Sri Pujiningsih Copyright (c) The Judge's Consideration In Sentencing The Perpetrator Of Theft In Incriminating Circumstances Against Convenience Store Losses Based On The Perspective Of Justice The purpose of writing is to contribute ideas to the public regarding the judge's considerations in deciding a case against the crime of theft in aggravating circumstances and the imposition of a decision against the defendant in the perspective of justice, a quality decision that contains procedural justice and substantive justice so that the judge can be said to have fulfilled the principle of proportionality. This study uses a normative research type, and the results of this study suggest that judges consider the law by paying attention to the juridical, sociological, and philosophical aspects so as to produce quality decisions and contain a sense of justice that can be felt by perpetrators, victims, and the community Pragita Riscyana Nirmala Poetry Copyright (c) Jurisdiction Overview Of The Implementation Of Diversion Against Children Who Complete The Criminal Act Of Assembling (Case Study In Pekalongan State Court) Diversion is a process in the children's case settlement system, namely the transfer of the settlement process for children in conflict with the law from the criminal justice process to outside the criminal justice system. Diversion uses a restorative justice approach, which is a settlement of criminal cases by involving the perpetrator/victim and other related parties to jointly seek a fair solution by emphasizing restoration back to its original state, not retaliation. Diversion is carried out to provide protection and rehabilitation to perpetrators in an effort to prevent children from becoming adult criminals. Diversion against child offenders is carried out by the three components of the criminal justice system in Indonesia, from the police, prosecutors to the courts. The results of this study indicate that the Pekalongan District Court has succeeded in implementing diversion against children who commit crimes of abuse and of course in the application of diversion from the initial stage to the end it still prioritizes and provides children's rights that they should receive. Elizabeth Nurjelita Copyright (c) Juridical Analysis Of Criminal Activities Of Criminal Violence In Household In Justice Perspective Domestic Violence or what we often know as domestic violence is a crime that is very worrying. Based on Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence, domestic violence causes physical, sexual, emotional misery and misery and/or domestic violence, intimidation, coercion against people, especially women. In cases of criminal acts of domestic violence that have been reported to the court, the judge must treat the case fairly in accordance with the applicable rules for criminal acts of domestic violence. In fact, whether the judge decided the case in accordance with the applicable rules and whether the judge's decision brought justice to the victim, especially with regard to cases of criminal acts of domestic violence. This study uses a normative juridical method, carried out by collecting data in the form of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from interviews with judges who handled cases of domestic violence in case number: 68/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Pkl. While the secondary data, obtained from the literature study. Based on the results of this study, that the case in case number: 68/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Pkl stated, From the chronology of what happened and equipped with evidence, the defendant legally committed a crime of domestic violence against the victim, namely his wife. Thus, the judge handed down witnesses to the defendant in case number 68/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Pkl was a logical and appropriate decision. The reason is that the defendant committed an act that injures, inflicted pain on a wife, causing injury as evidenced by the results of the Visum Et Repertum. Nurul Ariffah Copyright (c) Risk Management for Mitigation of “Corruption” Fraud Risk: Profiling Techniques Risk management provides signs for key areas in the company that contain risks. Risk management manages and profiles risk classification so that the company is more responsive in preventing fraud or fraud risk. Corruption is a form of fraud risk that causes the most losses to the state. Corruption that occurs in various private, government and state-owned organizations can be minimized by understanding the risk classification profile and profiling techniques. This study uses a descriptive method with secondary data from the 2016-2020 Association of Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE) survey report. The author concludes that the fraud prevention process with a risk management approach is one of the strategies in an effort to prevent fraud by using profiling techniques. Arum Ardianingsih, Dwi Edi Wibowo, Juandy Seiver Langelo Copyright (c) Juridical Overview of the Implementation of Mortgage Registration Services Through an Online Integrated System for Land Deed Maker Officials (PPAT) in the City of The implementation of Electronic Liability Rights was carried out simultaneously on 8 th of April, 2020. In its implementation, there are still frequent obstacles faced by PPAT.Based on these problems, first, how is the implementation of mortgage registration services through an online integrated system for Land Deed Making Officials (PPAT) in the Pekalongan City Region? Second, what are the obstacles faced in implementing mortgage registration services through an online integrated system for Land Deed Maker Officials (PPAT) in the Pekalongan and how to solve them?This research is a sociological juridical research, with a qualitative approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is data reduction. Researchers conclude, the first conclusion is obtained, the implementation of mortgage registration services through an online integrated system for Land Deed Maker Officials (PPAT) in the Pekalongan City Region, runs well, efficiently, and quickly. Second, the obstacles that are often faced are related to the system, so that in solving it, users must often coordinate with the local Land Office. Destiana Dayu Damayanti, suryani Copyright (c) Legal Protection Of Intellectual Property Rights In The Utilization Of Lecturers' Works <p>Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are rights to ownership of works that arise or are born due to intellectual abilities in the fields of science and technology. These works are intangible objects as a result of the intellectual ability of a lecturer in the field of science and technology through his creativity, taste, initiative and work. Besides that, Intellectual Property Rights is a legal instrument that provides protection for one's rights to all the results of creativity and the embodiment of intellectual works and gives the owner the right to enjoy economic benefits from the ownership of these rights. The purpose of this study is to find out to what extent the protection of intellectual property rights in the benefits of the work of lecturers, the results of this study use a normative juridical approach, namely library law research which is carried out by examining library materials or secondary data by prioritizing the protection of intellectual property rights. from the results of research and dedication. In the Higher Education environment, legal protection for Intellectual Property Rights is a form of producing an investment that obtains copyrights and patents, therefore the protection of intellectual property is absolute to be supported, facilitated and facilitated by all parties.</p> Yustiana Dwirainaningsih, Aria Mulyapradana, Andri Nur Cahyo Copyright (c) Food Safety and Legal Protection in Indonesia Indonesia's MSMEs are growing rapidly in line with the reduced job opportunities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, food products made by the home industry are still unable to compete with various manufactured products in the modern market and traditional markets. Circulation permit constraints need to receive serious attention and be addressed immediately. This study uses a survey to find out whether food safety is the main concern of people who want to stay healthy during the Pandemic. The results of the study indicate that the public pays attention to the existence of a distribution permit as a guarantee of food safety. Regarding the problem of obtaining distribution permits for MSMEs, the government facilitates by providing a budget for testing and mentoring on how to properly process food products. In addition, BPOM periodically conducts sampling tests on products on the market to maintain composition, labels and ingredients to ensure food safety for the community. Mutimatun Niami, Lintang Dwi Anti, Rokhman Adi Putera, Yustika Kusuma Ningrum Copyright (c) Criminal Law Perspective on the Formulation of Ordinary Delik Changes to Complaints on Copyright Law for Creators The concept of changing the offense in the law, cannot be separated from the copyright law in general following the direction of the development of today's society. This is so that the applicable law can continue to run properly. However, this change of offense certainly has its own consequences or consequences, even more so for the creator or copyright holder who is the main actor behind the birth of a work of creation. This study aims to find out the formulation of changes in ordinary offenses into complaint offenses in copyright law for creators in the perspective of criminal law and to describe the consequences of criminal law arising from changes in offenses against copyright infringement. This research is a legal research with the type of library research (library research) with a normative legal approach. The main data source is secondary data. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative data analysis. The results of this study indicate that Article 66 of Law No.19 concerning the Year 2002 concerning Copyright states that the state still has the authority to enforce the law for direct copyright infringement, in contrast to Law No.28 of 2014 concerning Copyright contained in Article 120 allows the state to take legal action if there is a complaint process beforehand. The consequences resulting from the change in the offense for the creator are that the creator has two access to settlements in the event of a violation of his creation, namely settlement outside the court and in court. Based on the results of this research, it is hoped that it will become information and input for students, academics, practitioners, and all parties in need in the Faculty of Law, Pancasakti University, Tegal. Fajar Dian Aryani Copyright (c) The analysis of interfaith marriage was reviewed by Law Number 1 of 1974 (as amended by Law Number 16 of 2019) and Law Number 23 of 2006 Marriage of different religions in Indonesia is not a new phenomenon anymore. At first, these marriages were referred to as mixed marriages. However, after the enacting of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage the meaning of mixed marriage is marriage between two different nationalities, not marriages of different religions. The issues raised are how the arrangement of marriages is different religions according to Law No. 1 of 1974 (as amended by Law No. 16 of 2019) on marriage and how the recording of marriages of different religions according to Law No. 23 of 2006 concerning population administration. The purpose of the authorship of scientific work in the form of this journal is to understand the arrangement of marriages of different religions reviewed by Law No. 1 of 1974 (as amended by Law No. 16 of 2019) on Marriage and to analyze the recording of marriages of different religions according to Law No. 23 of 2006 on Population Administration. The method used in the writing of this research is the method of normative juridical approach. The types of data sources used are primary and secondary data. The method of data collection used is the collection of data by interviews and data collection from literature, and data analysis using qualitative descriptive methods. The results obtained in this study showed that, in Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage prohibits the existence of religious groups. Law No. 23 of 2006 concerning population administration of the implementation of marriages of different religions can be done in two ways. Namely, the determination of the court and marriage is carried out abroad but after returning to Indonesia must be recorded in the Civil Records Office. However, not all Civil Records Offices want to record marriages of different religions. The Office of Population and Civil Registration will ask for the subjugation of one of the religions to be recorded. Vivia Damayanti, Isti Sulistyorini, Sri Pujiningsih Copyright (c)