Increasing Tayo Bus Users Through Advertisement Attraction, Product Information and Price Discounts

  • Erny Elfayasri Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University Tangerang
  • Siti Asriah Immawati Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University Tangerang
Keywords: Effect of Advertising Attractiveness; Product Information and Discounts; Customer Decisions


The purpose of this study is to analyze the increase in Tayo Bus users through advertising attractiveness, product information and price discounts . This research is quantitative in nature, the population in this study is Tayo Tangerang Bus users. The sample was determined by the Nonprobability Sampling method and obtained 115 respondents as a sample. With purposive sampling technique using SPSS software version 26. The results showed that partially the power variable pull advertising and product information have a positive effect on increasing Tayo Bus users. the higher the advertisement attracts the attention of consumers, the more creativity is needed in making an advertisement, besides that the clarity of product information provided will have an impact on the increasing demand for the products offered because product information provides consumers with a better understanding of the products offered. while the partial price discount has no positive effect on increasing Tayo Bus users. Price has an important element in the interests of consumers, but the influence of discount policies can be one of the other factors. The proof is that the Tayo Tangerang Bus has a relatively low price policy so customers don't need a discount. while simultaneously the attractiveness of advertisements, product information and price discounts have a positive effect on increasing Tayo Bus users. Advertising appeals, product information, and price discounts interact to shape customer perceptions, interests, and motivations in making purchasing decisions. Customers need good information to understand and compare products, while advertising attractiveness and price discounts can affect their interest and desire to buy the product.