Stunting Handling in Pekalongan City for Fulfillment Children Welfare

  • Yuniarti Yuniarti Universitas Pekalongan, Indonesia
  • Suryani Suryani Universitas Pekalongan, Indonesia
  • Dewi Nugraheni Restu Mastuti Universitas Pekalongan, Indonesia
Keywords: stunting, handling, welfare


The Indonesian government's policy on stunting has not shown optimal results, this can be seen from the 2018 Riskesdas (Basic Health Research) data, the prevalence of stunting under five was 29.9% from 32.8%. In the 2013 Riskesdas, the high stunting rate in Indonesia, which is 29.9%, places Indonesia as the country with the third largest proportion of stunting in the world, far below the WHO target of below 20%. This research is a qualitative research, collecting data using structured and unstructured interview techniques. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with research informants to obtain information related to the implementation of stunting management. Setono, Krapyak, Klego, Jenggot and Pringrejo sub-districts carry out specific nutrition interventions and nutrition-sensitive interventions synergistically between the kelurahan, puskesmas, posyandu and the community. Specific nutrition interventions and sensitive nutrition interventions were mostly carried out in the form of fulfilling nutrition activities, exclusive breastfeeding, basic immunization, improving environmental sanitation and KIE counseling on stunting prevention. Specific nutrition interventions and sensitive nutrition interventions are a form of fulfilling the child's right to a prosperous and healthy life (the right to child welfare).