Job Outlook Mencari Atribut Ideal Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi <p>Prosiding Seminar Nasional Job Outlook Mencari Atribut Ideal Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi dengan tema “Mempersiapkan Mahasiswa Memasuki Era Revolusi Industri 4.0” telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 Mei 2018 di Aula Gedung C Lantai 3 Universitas Pekalongan. Seminar ini diselenggarakan sebagai media sosialisasi hasil penelitian dari lintas keilmuan dalam rangka mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang<br>memiliki daya kreativitas dan inovasi dalam upaya menyongsong era revolusi industri 4.0. Seminar Nasional Job Outlook Mencari Atribut Ideal Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi dijadikan sebagai media tukar-menukar informasi dan pengalaman, ajang diskusi ilmiah, peningkatan kemitraan di antara peneliti dengan praktisi, antara dosen dengan mahasiswa, mempertajam visi pembuat kebijakan dan pengambil keputusan untuk peningkatan kurikulum sesuai dengan tuntutan stakeholders, serta peningkatan kesadaran kolektif terhadap pentingnya peran pendidikan dalam meningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia.</p> en-US Job Outlook Mencari Atribut Ideal Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Cover : Job Outlook Mencari Atribut Ideal Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Berikut ini berisi cover, tim redaksi, dan daftar isi Unikal Press ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI DOSEN MENYONGSONGREVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 Globalization and industrialization have plagued all the countries of the world. Industrialization has entered the fourth generation (known as the 4.0 industry revolution). This generation has found a new pattern when disruptive technology is present so quickly and threatens the existence of long-standing companies. Such conditions hit all companies around the world, not to mention also hit the companies in Indonesia. Indonesia has been declared as a developing country whose society is the most active in the utilization of information technology and has a dynamic start-up ecosystem.Responding to the wave of industrial revolution to 4.0, the education industry requires a new reorientation in the provision of education, both in primary, secondary and high education.In order for education to remain highly relevant in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 or disruption era, educators (teachers and lecturers) in the learning process need to integrate simultaneously and unified learning achievements in three areas: achievement of old literacy, new literacy, and literacy scholarship.If it does not integrate into the 3 areas of learning achievement, the possibility of graduates will be illiterated. Lecturers must be able to adapt to Industrial Revolution 4.0. The pattern of learning can no longer use the old pattern, the lecturer must be able to follow the development of technology so as to produce highly competitive graduates. Lecturers should also be able to spread 'passion' and inspire students and not spread the news that is not necessarily true (hoax), lecturers also become friends for students, lecturers must also be role models and characters.That conditions requires universities to prepare professional human resources (lecturers), in the sense of having the qualifications, competencies, and other skills required in this era of rapid information technology development.Competence development opportunities should be utilized so that lecturers can play a maximum role in preparing candidates for graduates to have high competitiveness. Siti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 1 12 KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN HUKUM PASCA REVOLUSI 4.0, KENISCAYAAN SEBAGAI PILIHAN!!! Apabila kita termasuk orang yang memiliki aliran pemikiran bahwa membicarakan persoalan hukum itu senantiasa harus dikaitkan dengan basis sosialnya dimana hukum itu bekerja, maka tidak akan heran apabila “masa transisi” sebagaimana yang kita alami sekarang memang akan menimbulkan persoalan-persoalan yang menarik untuk kita diskusikan. Masa transisi mengarah pada perubahan yang sangat siginifikan) menimbulkan perubahan di dalam susunan kemasyarakatan yang mempengaruhi sikap dan tingkah laku masyarakat didalamnya. Nurul ##submission.copyrightStatement## 13 20 MENUJU TATA KELOLA DESA YANG BAIK UNTUK AKUNTABILITAS DANA DESA The principle of autonomy as wide as in the regional sense is given the authority to administer and regulate all government affairs outside the central government affairs spcefied in the law. Undang–Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 and Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2004 on regional autonomy expressly authorize regencies and villages to regulate and manage their own households. In the line with the laws, it is necessary to have a good correct, tranparant and accountable financial management system. The purpose of this study is to find out how village governance can improve village fund accountability. This research is included in the type of qualitative research. Technique of data analysis is done by using data reduction step, data presentation and verification and make conclusion from research result. The results showed that good governance village was able to increase accountability of village funds. Arum Ina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 21 29 HUBUNGAN PENDIDIKAN DAN ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR (OCB) TERHADAP INDIKATOR KESELAMATAN NELAYAN The safety of fishermen becomes the main thing in carrying out their work in the ocean in search of fish, but this has not been done for many reasons. Lack of awareness of fishermen about safety so that many crew members are underestimated about the risks of working in the oceans, such as not using safety equipment even if already available or trained (eg, certification), the purpose of this study is to prove the relationship between education and OCB on safety indicators fisherman. Population is a generalization region consisting of objects or subjects that become quantities and certain characteristics set by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population in this research is Fisherman in Desa Penikel Muara Dua Cilacap as many as 30 Fishermen. Data collection methods used in this study are: Questionnaires, Interviews, Observations and Study Library.OCB Conscientiousness and education are significantly positive with safety indicators Fishermen with a value of P respectively 0.00 and 0.010. Improving the safety of fishermen can be pursued by improving education and knowledge through training and training. Andi Hari Kristian Indriyani Lusiani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 30 40 BELAJAR MATEMATIKA MELALUI BATIK JLAMPRANG The concept of mathematics sometimes arises naturally through the culture of society based on the knowledge and views of tribes or groups of the society and individuals with or without going through a formal education. Cultural math (Ethnomathematics) will contribute greatly to the learning of mathematics in enhancing the love of the local culture. The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical concepts contained in one of Batik motives, Jlamprang, and its utilization in mathematics learning as well as to increase the love of the local culture in the students. The use of mathematics-based learning is expected to help students in stimulating the curiosity of mathematics subjects. The result of this study is in the form of mathematical concepts contained in Batik Jlamprang; the concept of the circles, symmetry, and tangent to the circle. Mathematical concepts contained in Batik Jlamprang can be used to introduce local culture of Pekalongan city. Zainal Sukma Ervina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 41 48 PENGARUH ARAH DAN KECEPATAN ANGIN TERHADAP PRODUKSI PENANGKAPAN IKAN DI LAUT (PERAIRAN CILACAP) This research attempts to analyze whether there is an influence of wind direction and speed on the production of fishing in the sea (Cilacap waters) or not. The method of data collection used in this study is a combination of secondary data and literature review. The researchers choose the waters of Cilacap as the location of the research. The data used are secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Cilacap Regency. The data sample used is statistical data within 5-year-period starting from 2012 until 2016. The result of the research indicates that wind direction and speed is not equal to the fishing production. The fishing production is not significantly affected by wind direction or wind speed. It is possibly influenced by several other more significant factors. The conclusion of this research is that wind direction and speed does not significantly influence fishing production at sea (Cilacap waters). Lusiani Andi Wahikun ##submission.copyrightStatement## 49 57 PEMERIKSAAN JAMUR PADA LIANG TELINGA MAHASISWA AKADEMI ANALIS KESEHATAN (AAK) PEKALONGAN YANG BERJILBAB TAHUN 2017 The ear canal is part of the ear that has a tubular shape that extends and has a moist state, so it is very easy to overgrown with fungi. Easily growing fungus in the ear canal include Aspergillus sp. and Candida sp. Several factors that affect the growth of fungus in the ear canal, include; absence of serumen, high humidity, local trauma, use of headgear (hijab), use of drugs, genetics, sex, age. The purpose of this research is to know the growth of fungus in ear canal on students of Akademi Analis Kesehatan (AAK) Pekalongan in 2017. This type of research is descriptive analytic type, that is research which only describe something that researched. The samples were obtained by taking samples from the ear canal of AAK Pekalongan students in 2017. The fungi were identified by inoculating on Sabauraud Glucose Agar (SGA) medium, incubating 4-7 days at 37°C, then observed macroscopically and microscopically. The results obtained from the laboratory identification all samples are positive (100%), where the fungus Aspergillus sp. (76%), Aspergillus sp. dan Candida sp. (12%), and Candida sp. (12%). Conclusions from the results of the study, which is 100% ear canal infected with Aspergillus sp. and Candida sp. Tuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 58 64 IDENTIFIKASI JAMUR KONTAMINAN PADA SWAB HANDPHONE MAHASISWA AKADEMI ANALIS KESEHATAN PEKALONGAN TAHUN 2016 A mobilephone is a two-way electronic telecommunication device that can be taken anywhere by battery, without using a cable and receiving voice over a signal. Dirt on the phone due to hands touching dirty objects then touch the phone, so the fungus easily contaminate on the surface of the mobile phone. Various easily contaminated fungi, such as Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp., Penicillium sp., Candida sp., and Mucor sp.This study aims to identifying and know the percentage of contaminant fungus on mobile phones. If the fungus contaminates the mobile phone it can cause diseases such as otomikosis, dermatomikosis, mouth candidiasis, and pulmonary fungus. This type of research is descriptive. The sample of this research is mobile phone on the student of Akademi Analis Kesehatan (AAK) Pekalongan amounted to 25 samples. The fungi were identified by culturing to SGA medium (Sabouraud Glucose Agar) and incubated for 7 days at 37°C, then observed its growth. The sample study was conducted at AAK Pekalongan Parasitology Laboratory. The results obtained from the study were samples of mobile phone contaminated with fungus as much as 96%, among others: Aspergillus sp. (52%), Rhizopus sp. (4%), Candida sp. (4%), Candida sp. and Clasdosporium sp. (4%), Penicillium sp. and Candida sp. (4%), Aspergillus sp. and Clasdosporium sp. (4%), Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. (4%), Aspergillus sp. and Mycelia sterilia (4%), Aspergillus sp. and Rhizopus sp. (8%). The conclusion of this research is that from 25 samples of mobile phone contaminated with 24 (96%) and non contaminated fungi (1%). Tuti Suparyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 65 71 PENGARUH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN DAN IMPLIKASINYA PADA HARGA SAHAM PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG GO PUBLIK DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA This study aims to analyze the influence of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance on financial performance; analyze the influence of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance on stock prices; analyze the influence of financial performance to stock price, and analyze the influence of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance to share price through financial performance. Samples in the research of 33 companies manufacturing consumer sector good in the period 2013-2016. The analysis technique uses structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the analysis show that corporate social responsibility and corporate governance have an effect on financial performance. Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance to stock prices. Financial performance has an effect on stock price. Financial performance mediates the influence of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance on stock prices. Agus ##submission.copyrightStatement## 72 83 MENGEMBANGKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KREATIF DENGAN PEMBELAJARAN GUIDED DISCOVERY The purpose of writing this study result article is developing the student creative thinking skill through Guided discovery learning method. Creative thinking is an ability which used to understand and develop an idea in order to solve a problem. Guided discovery learning method involves the activeness of the student in understanding and finding a concept, and also an experience to find out the conclusion with teacher’s guidance. Guided discovery learning method is more meaningful/effective and the knowledge will be longer remembered by the student, because the student use their creative thinking of their own in solving the problem. So, guided discovery learning method one of learning method that can be used to develop the ability of students’ creative thinking. Nungki Anggun Irfandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 84 91 MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIKA PADA MATERI BANGUN RUANG This study aims to improve the ability to solve mathematical problems, the ability to solve mathematical problems in building materials is very important to be developed. Problem-solving ability is an attempt to find solutions to difficulties that require creativity, understanding and thinking. The National Council of Teachers of Mathemathics (NCTM) emphasizes problem solving as a "central focus in the mathematics curriculum". Not only is the ability to solve problems to be a reason for learning mathematics, but problem solving provides a context in which concepts and skills are learned. The National Council of Teachers of Mathemathics (NCTM) puts problem-solving skills as the primary goal of mathematics education. Train students to have the ability to solve mathematical problems can be pursued by guiding students by understanding a problem, planning the settlement of a problem, executing the plan and checking the process and outcome of a problem. Nur Sandi Heri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 92 99 MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIS DENGAN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS E-LEARNING PADA SISWA SMP This study aims to improve the Junior High School student abillity on problem solving of Mathematics in daily life. The most of Junior High School students have difficulties an answering the questions about mathematics learning because of the lack of student problem solving abilities. Mathematical learning is an abstract science that need thinking skills by reasoning and logical skills. Quality students are students who have critical thinking skills, systematic, logical, creative, and able to solve problems by using brilliant ideas. The way of thinking and reasoning in learning mathematics is very important because the mathematics underpinning the development of technological progress. One of the important targets in learning mathematics is to maximize learning on mathematical problem solving abilities. To achieve this required innovation in learning mathematics, one of them with the use of interactive learning media. In this research media used is learning media E-Learning. The conclusion that can be taken from this research is the use of E-Learning media is expected can student ability in solving mathematical problem. Dian Shochibul Muhammad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 100 108 INTEGRASI NILAI-NILAI KARAKTER BUDAYA BANGSA MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SCRAMBLE PADA MATERI KUBUS DAN BALOK Character education is an attempt to develop the personality, attitude, and morals of learners so that they can apply it in daily life. The values developed in character education are sourced from Religion, Pancasila, Culture, and National Education Objectives. Mathematics learning is integrated by the values of the nation's cultural character, such as the curiosity, creative, and cooperation. The model of scramble learning becomes one of the models that can be applied to develop the value of the nation's cultural character. Cultural values in the learning of scramble model on cube and block material are interrelated and influential from cultural values. Dewi Amilatul Siti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 109 119 MENGINTEGRASIKAN KEARIFAN LOKAL PEKALONGAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK MEMBENTUK KARAKTER SISWA UNTUK MENGHADAPI MASYARAKAT EKONOMI ASEAN English teaching doesn’t accommodate local wisdom in teaching process or in the content of the material, furthermore Indonesia as one of Asean Economic Communities member. A lot of English texts in English books are about western stories or stories from other regions. English teaching is limited on the teaching of sentence phrases or words without giving emphasis on the meaning and local culture to create meaningful English teaching not in character building. This research aim to trace, describe and find Pekalongan local wisdoms to be applied in English teaching in the class to support student character building.The output of this research is material enrichment for English teaching material. The method used in this research is human and resource development research. The result of this research are; 1) the distinct character of Pekalongan people are religious, entrepreneur ethos/ autonomous, tolerance, and egalitarian. Religious character become the foundation and basis of other characters; 2) those distinct character can be integrated in teaching process and material; 3) Teaching material is completed with teacher book which give direction to the teacher specially about the interpretation of local wisdom value so that it will be suitable with Curriculum. Dwi Susanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 120 128 PEMODELAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN BERBASIS WEB PADA TEKNOLOGI BUDIDAYA TANAMAN KRPL (KAWASAN RUMAH PANGAN LESTARI) DI KOTA PEKALONGAN Model Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) merupakan alternatif terobosan pembangunana pertanian untuk mewujudkan penganekaragaman atau diversifikasi pangan yang terdiri dari komoditas tanaman umbi-umbian, sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, toga, komoditas peternakan dan perikanan. Dukungan dan pemenuhan pangan rumah tangga dalam pola konsumsi pangan yang beragam, bergizi dan aman, sehingga model KRPL diharapkan dapat memberikan kesejahteraan yang layak, memainkan peran nyata dalam pertumbuhan dan pemerataan ekonomi, mendukung pembangunan wilayah dan khususnya pedesaan melalui pendekatan sumber daya lokal. Pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk membangun kawasan rumah pangan lestari di rumahnya dan lingkungan tinggalnya akan sangat membantu bagi sebuah keluarga menyediakan pangan keluarga melalui pemanfaatan teknologi inovasi pertanian. Keberhasilan pelaksanaan KRPL diwujudkan dalam satu Rukun Tetangga, Rukun Warga, Dusun atau Kampung yang telah menerapkan prinsip rumah pangan lestari dengan menambahkan intensifikasi pemanfaatan pagar hidup, jalan desa dan fasilitas umum, lahan terbuka hijau, serta pengembangan pengolahan, pemasaran hasil dan pemenuhan kebutuhan sarana produksi berbasis web. Pemodelan lebih dikenal dengan agribisnis berbasis web. Hasil panen berupa sayuran, umbi, buah dan toga selain dikonsumsi untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga, pemasarannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan cafe, rumah makan dan hotel, untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan sarana produksi dengan menggunakan web. sesama anggota kelompok KRPL di kota Pekalongan telah memakai WhatsApp Grup dan facebook Ari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 129 136 PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN PERUMAHAN ATAS KERUGIAN AKIBAT IKLAN PERUMAHAN DITINJAU DARI UNDANG-UNDANG NO. 8 TAHUN 1999 TENTANG PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN Iklan artinya setiap bentuk penyajian apa pun untuk sebuah produk, ide atau gagasan-gagasan oleh sponsor dan menggunakan media, seperti majalah, radio, televisi, ataupun surat kabar, iklan perumahan sebagai media yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang benar, jelas dan jujur. Melalui iklan produsen/pelaku usaha perumahan bermaksud mengkomunikasikan sesuatu tentang produk perumahannya kepada konsumen. Perjanjian pengikatan jual beli sebagai bukti adanya hubungan antara konsumen perumahan dengan pelaku usaha kurang memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen perumahan. Tata krama periklanan antara lain iklan harus jujur, bertanggung jawab, tidak bertentangan dengan hukum yang berlaku, tapi sering terjadi iklan perumahan melanggar tata krama periklanan yang sudah ditetapkan. Rumusan masalah yang dijadikan pembahasan dalam tulisan ini yang pertama adalah apa akibat hukum dari penerbitan iklan perumahan yang merugikan oleh pelaku usaha. Kedua, apa bentuk tanggung jawab pelaku usaha atas penerbitan iklan perumahan yang merugikan konsumen. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui akibat hukum dari iklan perumahan yang merugikan oleh pelaku usaha dan untuk mengetahui bentuk tanggung jawab pelaku usaha atas penerbitan iklan perumahan yang merugikan konsumen. Metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan masalah berupa pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan konseptual. Bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, bahan non hukum kemudian diklanjutakan analisa hukum. Hasil dari pembahasan tulisan ini adalah iklan bagian dari Perjanjian Pengikatan jual Beli atau tidak menjadi bagian dari Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli. Iklan yang menjadi bagian dari Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli akibat hukum mengikat kedua belah pihak seperti halnya undang-undang (pasal 1338 KUH Perdata), apabila tidak dipenuhi dapat dikatakan wanprestasi dan bagi iklan perumahan yang mengandung unsur penipuan, maka Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli dapat dibatalkan (pasal 1328 KUHP Perdata ). Iklan perumahan tidak menjadi bagian dari perjanjian pengikatan Jual beli akibat hukumnya dapat terdapat di pasal 8 ayat (4) dan pasal 17 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen . Edi As'ari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 137 142 INOVASI DAN KREATIF DALAM ENTREPRENEUR MENUJU REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 Menjawab tantangan industri 4.0 perlulah seluruh sumber daya manusia memiliki kapasitas kompetensi dalam inovasi dan kreatif dalam entrepreneurship secara unggul. Tujuannya, agar ia mampu mengubah tantangan menjadi sebuah peluang yang membantunya untuk survive. Inti dari entrepreneur adalah kemampuan untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan berbeda melalui berpikir kreatif dan bertindak inovatif untuk menciptakan peluang. Kreatif merupakan usaha memikirkan sesuatu atau kemampuan seseorang untuk melahirkan sesuatu yang baru baik berupa gagasan maupun karya nyata yang relative berbeda dengan apa yang telah ada sebelumnya. inovasi merupakan suatu proses untuk menemukan dan mengimplementasikan sesuatu yang baru ke dalam situasi/kondisi yang belum ada dan belum dipikirkan sebelumnya. Diharapkan ke depannya, teknik industri dapat memiliki peran dalam mengarahkan era Industri 4.0 kepada kemajuan ilmu yang memberikan nilai manfaat besar bagi kemanusiaan. Danang ##submission.copyrightStatement## 143 149 AGRIPRENEURSHIP DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 Revolusi industri 4.0 melahirkan sebuah inovasi yang mendobrak kebiasaan masyarakat saat ini. Gebrakan itu antara lain adanya e-commerce. E-commerce adalah aktifitas bisnis mulai dari pemasaran hingga proses transaksi dilakukan melalui internet. Kehadiran e-commerce ini akan melahirkan wirausaha-wirausaha baru, termasuk wirausaha di bidang pertanian. Wirausaha yang bergerak di bidang pertanian selanjutnya disebut sebagai agripreneur. Agripreuneur yang bisa besaing di pasar global adalah yang memiliki keunggulan-keunggulan antara lain : mampu menciptakan inovasi, memiliki kemampuan management agribisnis modern, memiliki kemampuan bekerjasama yang baik, memiliki kemampuan berkarya secara inovatif, produktif dan efisien. Kegiatan kewirausahaan yang menerapkan inovasi dalam industri pertanian disebut Agripreneurship. Agripreneurship mempunyai peluang yang cukup besar untuk dikembangkan pada era revolusi industri 4.0, karena sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu penghasil devisa negara dan sebagai penyangga utama ketahanan dan kedaulatan pangan. Selain itu sebagian besar produk pertanian merupakan bahan baku di berbagai sektor industri. Kehadiran E-commerce ini sangat menguntungkan bagi agripreneurship karena harga komoditas pertanian menjadi kompetitif dan Efisiensi dalam biaya pemasaran. Syakiroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 150 154 PERSEPSI MAHASISWA CALON GURU TENTANG KOMPETENSI YANG PERLU DIMILIKI GURU MATEMATIKA DALAM MENGHADAPI REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 (STUDI KASUS PADA MATA KULIAH PROFESI KEGURUAN) This study aims to describe students' perceptions as prospective teachers of the competencies that mathematics teachers need to have in the face of the 4.0 industrial revolution. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research subjects consisted of 54 students of the Mathematics Education. Data is obtained by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by triangulating data sources. Based on descriptive studies given to students in the teacher profession, the results show that difficult competencies to achieve are pedagogical & professional competencies. These results were obtained from data that showed that 31% of students had difficulties in mastering pedagogical competencies, 31% of students had difficulties in mastering professional competencies, 22% of students had difficulties in mastering social competencies, and 15% of students had difficulty mastering personality competencies. Thus, it can be concluded that students still experience difficulties in abilities relating to student understanding and management of learning, as well as mastery of mathematical material. Dewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 155 164 MENGANGKAT KEBUDAYAAN LOKAL DALAM PENDEKATAN MATEMATIKA REALISTIK INDONESIA UNTUK BERPIKIR KREATIF MATEMATIS SISWA SD Mathematics for some students are a scary and boring lesson. There are many students who do not like mathematics. Through the Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) which is an adaptation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) with education in Indonesia. With the principles and characteristics of PMRI in learning Mathematics, can be developed students' creative thinking ability mathematically. So as to enable students to do creative activities in mathematics. Not only is the issue of lessons learned, Indonesian Nations are also experiencing problems that occur to many people. At the lowest level of elementary school is now many who do not know the local people from their respective regions due to rapid technological advances. PMRI-based learning, presenting the mathematical problems associated with local culture, can change students' perceptions of mathematics from difficult and tedious lessons into challenging and highly favored learning. PMRIs that promote local communities in Indonesia can introduce students to local education and foster students 'ability to think creatively in students' math. Nurina Nining Dwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 165 178 Makalah Lengkap tidak ada panitia seminar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 178