NATIONAL SEMINAR OF PBI (English Language Education) 2024-03-22T04:27:06+00:00 Effendi [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>National Seminar of PBI (English Language Education) “The Policy of ELT in Indonesia: Theory, Beliefs, and Practices” All rights reserved. Apart from dealing for the aims of study, research, criticisms, or review as permitted under the copyright legislation. No part of this book may be reproduced, reprinted, transmitted in any form by means of electronic, mechanical or others without any permission from the English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Pekalongan University.</p> THE ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE FOUND IN SONG LYRICS OF COLDPLAY’S ALBUM 2024-02-05T07:54:52+00:00 Sani Kian Ramandani [email protected] Rizka Hayat [email protected] Song is a beautified poem. It is one of the examples of literary work. Song generally contains figurative language. Figurative language are commonly found in song lyrics. For that reason, it brings the researcher of the thesis to analyze figurative language. In this research, the researcher analyzed kind offigurative language in song lyrics of Coldplay’s album. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative research and document analysis in order toanswer the research problems in this study. This study is aimed to discuss the kind of figurative language that contains in song lyrics of Coldplay’s album.The Coldplay album consists seven songs. Those songs are A Message, Fix You, The Scientist, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Clocks, Parachutes, Yellow. After analyzing the data, the writer found six kinds of figurative language in song lyrics of Coldplay’s songs, those were hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification, repetition, and onomatopoeia. This research is counted to find out the kind of figurative language in seven songs in Coldplay’s album. Copyright (c) THE EFFECT AUTHORITARIAN PARENT STYLE USE PSYCHOANALYSIS SIGMUND FREUD IN TURNING RED FILM BY DOME SHII 2024-03-07T12:53:58+00:00 Kurnia Mentari [email protected] Susanto [email protected] Authoritarian parenting as a way to educating children effect to children’s psychology. This study aims to find the effect of authoritarian parenting reflected in Turning Red film. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, and data taken from films, journals and articles related to the topic studied, the author uses Diana Baumrind's theory to determine the effect of parenting style and uses Sigmund Freud's theory to analyze Id, Ego and Superego and uses Defense Mechanism in this study. This study finds that the effects of authoritarian parent to children psychology in Turning Red film are fake obedient and rebellious. The psychological dynamics that create these effects are involving conflicts of Id in form of girl puberty symbolized red panda and super ego in form of chines or eastern culture and Canadian or western culture. The psychological conflicts lead to ego defense mechanisms such as: Reaction Formation, Intellectualization. The conclusion that in the process of children leading to adolescence, it needs two-way communication where parents and children can understand and appreciate each other. Copyright (c) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WATCHING YOUTUBE PODCAST MEDIA TO IMPROVE STUDENT SPEAKING SKILL 2024-03-07T12:56:41+00:00 Yahya [email protected] Ida Ayu Panuntun [email protected] You Tube is an online video sharing and social media platform that is often used by people around the world. Podcast is one of segment in You Tube that contains conversation between people, who try to inform listener and also can be access all demand. With this podcast content, people tend to prefer dig up various information from the podcast videos they watch, basically people tend to prefer to listen to find out information than read. This can be a positive impact for the learning process of students using these media and create new colors in education. This Research is conducted by the assumption that You Tube podcast can be improve speaking skill for High School student in Indonesia (Focused on 2nd Grade Student in Islamic Senior High School Pekalongan). The research taking time on June 2023 until it represented. The researchers used quantitative methodological approach, positivistic, and experimental guide to collect the data from the source. Copyright (c) THE EXPERIENCES OF CYBERBULLYING ACROSS EDUCATIONAL LEVELS 2024-03-07T13:01:09+00:00 Vidara Aura [email protected] Ati’anah [email protected] Diana Lestari [email protected] Hardiyanti Saidah [email protected] Syifa Adelia [email protected] Cyberbullying has emerged as a pressing concern in the contemporary educational landscape, as technology increasingly intertwines with academic pursuits. This research undertakes a comprehensive exploration of the experiences of cyberbullying, specifically targeting two distinct educational levels: high school (SMA/SMK) and university students. Employing a rigorous survey study methodology, the research endeavors to unravel the nuanced dynamics of cyberbullying across these educational stages. The primary objective is to shed light on the prevalence, manifestations, and psychological impact of cyberbullying, recognizing the potential variations in this phenomenon across different levels of education. The data collected through the questionnairebased approach was subjected to detailed analysis, offering valuable insights that can inform educational policies, interventions, and support mechanisms tailored to the specific needs of students at various educational junctures. Copyright (c) BENTUK KETIDAKADILAN ORANG TUA TERHADAP ANAK DALAM FILM GARA-GARA WARISAN 2024-03-07T13:03:25+00:00 Rahma [email protected] This research aims to describe forms of injustice between parents towards children in film Gara-Gara Warisan. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data colletion techniques are carried out using documentation techniques, listening, taking notes. The results of this research are form of injustice between parents towards children, namely in (1) the form of affection such as attention and treatment, while the factors that cause injustice in love are children who need more care from parents, (2) froms of education like chidren one chid is supported while the other chid is not, the factor causing educational injustice is that one chid is smarter or more diligent, (3) forms of inheritance such as inheritance that are contested, while the factor causing inheritance injustice is that parents experience pressure or life problems Copyright (c) UNVEILING BULLYING ISSUES IN SCHOOLS 2024-03-07T13:21:38+00:00 Nuha Kamila [email protected] Salwa Salsabil [email protected] <p>Bullying behavior is an issue that is often discussed today. This behavior is often found in environments where it should not be, such as in the family environment and at school. Bullying behavior is an aggressive and manipulative action that can cause conflict for the perpetrator and the victim. The high incidence of bullying, especially among teenagers, has a negative impact, such as a decrease in academic achievement due to problems with concentration on learning and psychological problems on teenagers. This socialization activity to teenagers at school aims to provide education to prevent bullying behavior by character education and involving teachers and parents. The method used in this activity is providing material in the form of sharing, question and answer, discussion, demonstration and mentoring. This activity is carried out with the hope that increasing knowledge about bullying behavior will reduce bullying cases that occur in the environment, and build courage to get a help from friends, teachers and parents so that it can be handled well and minimize bullying cases. The results achieved in this activity are students, teachers and even the community's understanding of the negative impacts of bullying behavior. The result from socialization is that 94% of students were inspired and willing to share their anti-bullying knowledge with their surrounding community.</p> Copyright (c) SEMIOTIC OF INDIGENOUS FASHION AT ANGGRUK YALI TRIBE IN YAHUKIMO PAPUA 2024-03-07T13:11:10+00:00 Napius Kogoya [email protected] Manase Halitopo [email protected] Yali Anggruk tribe is one of the many ethnic groups in Papua, Indonesia. Every cloth has meaning and the meaning in the sign is called semiotics. The purpose of this article is to recognize the semiotic meaning of the form and size in the Yali Anggruk tribe. The researcher took the data from the elders who have grown up and the stakeholders in Yali Anggruk tribe. This research was done by using qualitative research. In collecting the data, the researcher did the observation, interview, dan documentation. While in the analyzing the data, the researcher did the data condensation, data display, dan verifying. However, the result shows that there are some traditional fashions used only by men such as pork fang (wam aek), rattan (sabeab), water gourd (humi), spear (sehen), arrow and arch (sehen, sehen anggen), traditional bag (sum), braclate (sehene), and some are also used by women such as bracelet (sehene), traditional hat (meyom oruk), traditional bag (sum). On the other side, the women traditional fashions are necklace (enedemangge), traditional skirt (kembalek), bracelet (sehene) and traditional bag (sum). Copyright (c) THE CHALLENGES OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING BASED INSTRUCTION IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT INDONESIAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: A CASE STUDY 2024-03-07T13:15:39+00:00 Mustakim [email protected] Kisman Salija [email protected] Muhammad Basri [email protected] Umiyati Jabri [email protected] This research explores the challenges faced by English language teachers in Indonesian senior high schools during the implementation of Cooperative Learning (CL). The study, guided by the question of challenges in CL implementation, utilizes a qualitative case study approach, involving interviews, observations, and document analysis. Findings reveal nuanced Promotive Interaction Challenges, highlighting the influence of positive school culture and complexities such as subtle resistance, communication hesitations, and preferences for familiar peers. The discussion section examines demographic factors' impact, emphasizing gender and age on Perceived Challenges in Cooperative Learning Implementation (PCCLI). It also addresses student-related challenges, focusing on pre-service teachers' resistance and cultural influences. Theoretical implications draw from educational change theories, and practical implications suggest enhanced teacher training, cultural sensitivity integration, and administrative support. Copyright (c) EVALUATION OF TWO ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS USED BY THE SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS IN PAPUA 2024-03-07T13:18:32+00:00 Manase Halitopo [email protected] Napius Kogoya [email protected] The objective of this research is to describe the qualities of the English textbooks used by the seventh grade students of Junior High School. This research belongs to evaluation research. The object of this research were two English textbooks, they are Bahasa Inggris, and Mandiri Practice Your English Competence for the seventh grade of Junior High School. This research adapted Cunningsworth’s theory to obtain information in order to describe the qualities of these textbooks. The data were obtained through interview, and document analysis. The data were analyzed through four steps: data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results showed that Bahasa Inggris fulfills seven of eight criteria of a good textbook and was categorized as partly suitable. Moreover, Mandiri Practice Your English Competence meets mostly of the criteria of good textbook and was categorized suitable. According to the results, the researchers recommended Mandiri Practice Your English Competence to be used by the teachers and seventh grade students of Junior High School because this book almost fulfilled all sub-criteria. Copyright (c) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL LEARNING MODELS IN ENGLISH LEARNING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS 2024-03-07T13:20:35+00:00 Muhammad Amin Nudin [email protected] Based on the description of the background, the following problems are formulated in this study : (1) How is the implementation of the multidimensional learning model in English language learning; (2) How does the implementation of a multidimensional learning model improve students' English language learning; and (3) How do students respond to the implementation of multidimensional models in English language learning. Research subject in this study is all grade X students of SMA Negeri 1 Wiradesa for the 2022/2023 semester 1 school year as many as 32 students. The background of the population is not based on student rank and achievement so there is no superior class. (1) The results of observations on the implementation test of the multidimensional learning model showed that the application of the multidimensional learning model in learning the subject of pressure physics in solids and liquids which was carried out for 3 consecutive meetings was carried out very well with an average score from meetings 1 to 3 of 3.8; 3.7 and 3.65 of the highest score of 4; (2) There was an increase in students' science process skills after the application of a multidimensional learning model in physics learning, the subject of pressure in liquids and gases with a gain value of 0.7 was included in the criteria for high improvement. There is a significant difference between students' PPP pretest and posttest scores with t-test results obtained tcount value = 76.497 > ttable = 1.696 at a significance level of 5%; (3) Student response to the application of multidimensional learning models in physics learning on the subject of pressure in solids and liquids is high with an average percentage of student responses obtained of 78.05% including in the high category Copyright (c) STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES AT LEARNING ENGLISH IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF PEKALONGAN UNIVERSITY 2024-03-22T02:39:01+00:00 Dwi Agustina [email protected] Huynh Thanh Tien [email protected] Learning English has never been as simple as learning our mother tongue. This is due to the differences of structure, spelling, and pronunciation between those two languages. Besides, there is not much exposure of English outside of the classroom which contributes to the limited chances of English learners to listen and use English in their daily lives. Difficulties and challenges are of course anticipated to be found in the students’ learning of English processes. So far, there have been a very limited number of studies of difficulties in learning English faced by university students in Indonesian higher education contexts. Indonesian university students majoring in English language are of course having greater opportunities to use this target language in their classroom environment but their real problems of learning are still unknown. This article reports the research findings of the students’ difficulties in learning English at the English Language Education Department, Pekalongan University, the Republic of Indonesia. This study employed the tool of self-report questionnaire to collect data provided by 42 respondents. The findings show that the students had difficulties in learning speaking skill, mastering vocabulary, comprehending texts, and in mastering grammar. Astonishingly, English-major students from this university also faced their difficulties in mastering the target language even after spending years of learning English. From such findings, the writers recommended some teaching strategies for the lecturers of English from the studied Department to help students to overcome their difficulties in learning English. Copyright (c) THE USE OF STORY PYRAMID STRATEGY IN TEACHING WRITING OF NARRATIVE TEXT 2024-03-22T02:41:39+00:00 Nadia Kusuma Putri [email protected] Inayatul Ulya [email protected] Abstract Many students often feel confuse to pour their ideas into written form. Therefore, teacher have to use strategy that can help them in writing skill. This study aimed to investigate the implementation of story pyramid strategy in teaching writing of narrative text and figure out the advantages of using story pyramid strategy in teaching writing of narrative text at XI graders of SMA Negeri 2 Pekalongan. The writer used descriptive qualitative method in this research. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the implementation of story pyramid strategy are as follows: after the teacher showed the example of story pyramid outline and the development text, students were guided to filled out the empty outline based on their own ideas. Once the outline was completed, they developed the outline into a narrative text. Story pyramid strategy could make them easy to make a storyline, makes it easier to organize text, and can compose narrative text easily. The students’ mean in writing score was 72. Moreover, the students were interested in story pyramid strategy since they never heard about it before and it was the first time they wrote narrative text used story pyramid. Copyright (c) EFEKTIVITAS PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI PLAYER TUNA BAGI ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN LITERASI DIGITAL 2024-03-22T02:45:09+00:00 Nur Idil Fitri Idris [email protected] Firman [email protected] Andi Nurkia Agparb [email protected] Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penggunaan aplikasi "Player Tuna" sebagai alat pendukung pembelajaran literasi digital bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus. Literasi digital menjadi keterampilan esensial dalam era teknologi informasi, dan anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus dapat menghadapi tantangan unik dalam memperoleh pengetahuan tersebut. Penelitian ini fokus pada pengukuran peningkatan pengetahuan literasi digital melalui partisipasi aktif anak-anak dalam menggunakan aplikasi "Player Tuna". Metode penelitian melibatkan pengembangan aplikasi, penerapan dalam konteks pembelajaran, dan evaluasi efektivitasnya. Anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus yang menjadi subjek penelitian terlibat dalam interaksi dengan aplikasi ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi "Player Tuna" secara signifikan meningkatkan pengetahuan literasi digital pada kelompok anak berkebutuhan khusus. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap pemahaman literasi digital anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus, menegaskan pentingnya integrasi teknologi dalam pendidikan inklusif. Implikasi penelitian ini dapat membantu pengembangan strategi pembelajaran lebih lanjut yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan khusus anak-anak dalam mengembangkan keterampilan literasi digital mereka. Copyright (c) Dehumanization in Education: A Case of Expulsion from Group Assignment 2024-03-22T02:47:50+00:00 Mohammad Rey Gemilang [email protected] M. Azza Rosyadi [email protected] This research delves into the nuanced experience of inclusive rejection among students at SMA N 2 Pekalongan. Examining a diverse range of student encounters, the study unveils the individualized impact of inclusive rejection, from feelings of isolation to resilient self-worth. Coping mechanisms vary widely, offering educators and support services valuable insights into tailored interventions, such as fostering positive social connections or promoting self-affirmation. Identifying social hierarchies, stereotypes, and peer pressure as contextual factors, the research highlights the need for a holistic approach to intervention. This calls for a re-evaluation of school culture and policies to create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment. Ethical considerations, including counselling services and confidentiality measures, underscore the research's commitment to participant well-being, recognizing the sensitivity of the topic. The findings contribute to the broader conversation on inclusivity in educational settings, offering practical implications for creating environments where every student feels a sense of belonging and empowerment. Copyright (c) PEMBENTUKAN CAMPUR KODE DALAM INTERAKSI HOST DAN NARASUMBER TAYANG BINCANG VINDES 2024-03-22T02:50:08+00:00 Rohmad Tri Aditiawan [email protected] This study aims to determine the forms and factors that cause code mixing in the talk show “Coach Justin, Sok Tahu Sepak Bola Apa Memang Beneran Tahu? Selesai Tuh Barang!!”. This research uses morphological studies to determine the form of speech and sociolinguistic studies to determine the causes of code mixing. This research is qualitative research. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The data source in this research is the VINDES talk show entitled “Coach Justin, Sok Tahu Sepak Bola Apa Memang Beneran Tahu? Selesai Tuh Barang!!” which contains the form of words, phrases and code mix. The data of this research is in the form of transcripts of talk show interactions that contain morphological forms and code mixes. The data collection technique uses listening, reading, and recording techniques. The results of the research data obtained are the form of words as much as 5 data and the form of phrases as much as 5 data. the factors that cause code mix data found consist of causes that indicate certain members or groups; speakers and speech partners communicate in informal (casual) situations; cannot be found equivalent words or expressions in a language; and the relationship of a language to the topic being discussed. Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN E-LKPD BERBASIS HIGH ORDER THINKING SKILL (HOTS) PADA MATERI PERMINTAAN DAN PENAWARAN KELAS X BERBANTUAN QUIZIZZ DI SMAN 1 ALALAK 2024-03-22T02:53:40+00:00 Rusyda Ilhami [email protected] Dwi Atmono [email protected] Muhammad Rahmattullah [email protected] Baseran Nor [email protected] Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis kevalidan E-LKPD berbasis HOTS pada materi permintaan dan penawaran, dan (2) menganalisis kepraktisan E-LKPD berbasis HOTS pada materi permintaan dan penawaran. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D sampai dengan tiga tahapan 3D, yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perancangan (design) dan tahap pengembangan (develop). Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 20 orang siswa kelas X di SMAN 1 ALALAK. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) E-LKPD berbasis High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) pada materi permintaan dan penawaran kelas X berbantuan quizizz dinyatakan sangat valid digunakan dalam pembelajaran, (2) E-LKPD berbasis High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) pada materi permintaan dan penawaran kelas X berbantuan quizizz dinyatakan sangat praktis digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli materi memperoleh rata-rata skor total 3,5 dengan kriteria sangat valid dan persentase hasil memperoleh nilai 88% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Hasil validasi ahli media memperoleh rata-rata skor total 3,6 dengan kriteria sangat valid dan persentase hasil memperoleh nilai 90% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Hasil respon siswa memperoleh rata-rata skor total 3,4 dengan kriteria sangat valid dan persentase hasil memperoleh nilai 85% dengan kategori sangat praktis Copyright (c) PENOKOHAN DALAM FILM “SANG KIAI” DAN POTENSINYA SEBAGAI PENGUAT PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA 2024-03-22T04:14:39+00:00 Dipa Alvindo Permana Putra [email protected] Muhamad Haryanto [email protected] Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan serta menganalisis penokohan film “Sang Kiai” sebagai penguatan profil pelajar pancasila. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan objek penelitian merujuk film “Sang Kiai”. Dengan sumber data berupa perkataan dan gambar dalam film dengan penguat opini menggunakan teknik kepustakaan dengan teknik analisa data mereduksi, menyajikan data, memverifikasi dan menarik simpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini interkasi penokohan setiap tokoh dapat penguat profil pelajar pancasila khususnya pelajar di era abad 21 ini dengan mengedepankan karakter yang beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, berkebinekaan global, gotong royong, mandiri, bernalar kritis dan kreatif. Copyright (c) PROFIL MODEL MENTAL SISWA MENGGUNAKAN TES DIAGNOSTIK MODEL MENTAL TWO-TIER (TDM-TWO-TIER) PADA MATERI LAJU REAKSI 2024-03-22T04:17:34+00:00 Armawita [email protected] This research was instigated by student mental model that was not intact on Reaction Rate lesson. It aimed at analyzing and knowing student mental model through Two-Tier (TDM-Two-Tier) Mental Model Diagnostics Test instrument (TDM-TWO-TIER) on Reaction Rate lesson at State Senir High School 2 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted at the first semester in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. It was Descriptive quantitative research. The data in this research were collected by Two-Tier (TDM-Two-Tier) Mental Model Diagnostics Test instrument, interview, and documentation. The collected data were analyzed by using Descriptive analysis. Purposive Sampling technique was used in this research. The samples of this research were 36 students at the eleventh grade of MIPA 2 of State Senior High School 2 Pekanbaru. The research findings showed that student mental model was not intact. It could be seen from the mean score of student mental model that was obtained from TDM-Two-Tier Diagnostics Test, Scientifically Correct (SC) of intact mental model or Scientifics was 47%, Partially Correct (PC) or partial mental model or alternative was 48%, students were able to understand the macroscopic level was 12%, symbolic level was 17% and submicroscopic level was 19% and Specific Misconception (SM) or misconception was 5%. Copyright (c) BULLYING IN PEKALONGAN HIGH SCHOOLS 2024-03-22T04:19:55+00:00 Dewi Anggraini [email protected] The school environment should be a secure space for mental and passionate development, is hooking with certain issues of human dehumanization. This wonder adversely influences students’ well-being, ethical and social improvement also the in general climate of instructive teach. This paper highlights the disturbing increment in dehumanization among Indonesians, as prove by detailed occurrences of wrongdoing and moral slips. Recognizing the darkness of tending to this issue, the think about advocates for developing self-control and prophetic morals to counter dehumanization. Utilizing a quantitative technique, the investigate points to dive into the effect of dehumanization within the school environment. In this study, the researchers aim to assess their understanding of dehumanization, changes in attitudes towards dehumanizing behaviour, and the effectiveness of anti-dehumanization campaigns. The discoveries are anticipated to educate arrangement and hone suggestion for making comprehensive and aware instructive situation, these findings are also expected to inform policy and practice recommendations for creating inclusive and respectful educational environment Copyright (c) Main Character’s Internal Conflicts in Plath’s Novel “The Bell Jar” 2024-03-22T04:27:06+00:00 Patricia Martha Olivia [email protected] Zubaedah Wiji Lestari [email protected] Erik Rusmana [email protected] This research focuses on analyzing the main character's internal conflicts in the novel "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath. The purpose of this research is to find evidence of internal conflicts owned by the main character in this novel. The writers use the limitation that only analyze one character conflicts with one point of view using the semiotic approach by Peirce (1860) this research, the writer uses a qualitative research approach to find and analyze data in the form of text to answer research questions. The data in The Bell Jar emphasizes the monologue that is carried out by the main character by underlining the evidence of the novel's text in the document analysis process. The analysis was conducted by using an observation checklist and field-noted instruments. The writer found that the problems of internal conflicts conveyed by Plath as an author are owned by the main character in this novel after the writer correlated the analysis of nine internal conflicts and ten symbols in certain chapters. Plot and point of view were also carried out carefully to facilitate the discovery of the main topic analysis and these two things open up new evidence that is directly related to the main topic Copyright (c)