Society 5.0 legal culture in the era of disruption a sociological study

  • Anik Kunantiyorini Lecturer, Faculty of Law Pekalongan University


The legal culture of society in an era of disruption characterized by the rapid pace of information technology is a new order and civilization in the history of mankind. The Era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 is a glorious period of world civilization marked by the rapid pace of Information Technology characterized by artificial intelligence and Big Data. All spheres of life are affected by it, and the legal one is no exception. The real fundamental problem is how humans should be fully involved as the main component that is expected to elaborate with technology. Culture of society 5.0 expected in all aspects of attitude and behavior must be in accordance with what the law requires. So in this information technology vortex, Society 5.0 must prioritize a sense of humanism and sensitivity to mutual respect among citizens. The legal culture of modern society with modern law and the rapid development of technology is a very positive combination in the current era of disruption. The development of human civilization elaborated with this technology as the peak of creativity and Innovation Society 5.0. For this reason, it is necessary to act and behave in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. This is the need for legal awareness in society. People whose behavior and attitude are good, reflect good laws. With a good legal culture of society, the patterns of behavior expected by law have been achieved. Thus, the life of the people who aspire to be based on tolerance, mutual respect, and mutual respect can be realized in the era of disruption