Juridical Overview of the Implementation of Mortgage Registration Services Through an Online Integrated System for Land Deed Maker Officials (PPAT) in the City of

  • Destiana Dayu Damayanti Universitas Pekalongan
  • suryani Universitas Pekalongan


The implementation of Electronic Liability Rights was carried out simultaneously on 8 th of April, 2020. In its implementation, there are still frequent obstacles faced by PPAT.Based on these problems, first, how is the implementation of mortgage registration services through an online integrated system for Land Deed Making Officials (PPAT) in the Pekalongan City Region? Second, what are the obstacles faced in implementing mortgage registration services through an online integrated system for Land Deed Maker Officials (PPAT) in the Pekalongan and how to solve them?This research is a sociological juridical research, with a qualitative approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is data reduction. Researchers conclude, the first conclusion is obtained, the implementation of mortgage registration services through an online integrated system for Land Deed Maker Officials (PPAT) in the Pekalongan City Region, runs well, efficiently, and quickly. Second, the obstacles that are often faced are related to the system, so that in solving it, users must often coordinate with the local Land Office.