The Role Of Health Promotion Management In The Rob Impact Disaster Mitigation Program In Pekalongan District

  • Novita Kusumah Dewi Pekalongan University
  • Rr. Vita Nur Latif Pekalongan University
  • Ristiawati Ristiawati Pekalongan University


Background Pekalongan Regency is one of the districts which is always affected by the north sea tidal flood. A total of 3 districts in Pekalongan district are prone to flooding, namely Wiradesa, Wonokerto, and Tirto. The phenomenon of tidal floods that hit the district of Pekalongan the role of health workers is needed, especially a health promoter where health promotion is included in the achievement of one of the objectives of disaster mitigation programs. Research Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the role of health promotion personnel in the disaster impact mitigation program in Pekalongan District. Research Methods This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with a case study research design. The process of collecting data uses indeph interview and observation. The technique of determining informants using Purposive Techniques. Research Results The role of health promotion personnel in tidal impact mitigation programs plays a role in counseling activities about PHBS, ODF, DHF, Nutrition, Diarrhea, and Kesling, GERMAS advocacy, approaches to religious and community leaders, cross-sectoral, and health service delivery, broadcast around. The optimal role, and the one that is not yet optimal in taking a role, is in the Rappid Health Assessment section. Conclusion It was concluded that health promotion personnel serving in the work area of the Wiradesa Puskesmas, Wonokerto I Puskesmas and Tirto II Puskesmas in the disaster impact mitigation program in Pekalongan District could play a role and carry out a number of tasks contained in the main tasks and functions in disaster conditions that have been determined by the disaster Pekalongan District Health Office. Recommendations Training for health promotion personnel in the disaster impact mitigation program is needed. Keywords: