The Influence of Self Efficacy Towards The Success of Breastfeeding Mothers: a systematic literature review

  • Ernawati Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta
  • Fitria Siswi Utami Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta
  • Esitra Herfanda Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta


Abstract. Background: Mother’s milk is an ideal nutrition for the growth and development of newborn baby, and it has unparalleled benefits in biological and emotional effects on mother and newborn baby health. Breast condition is one most important problem that can happen during breastfeeding, especially in the first days of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding belief in mother and breastfeeding behavior of newborns is a factor for exclusive breastfeeding. Purpose: To find out, conclude and examine literaturerelating to self efficacy breastfeeding. Method: In this case, the article that filtered in critical appraisalphase amounted 7 articles according to breastfeeding self effaciacy. Result: Based on 7 articles chosen and in accordance with a good quality, next conducted data extraction. Discussion: The research shows that the confidence in breastfeeding is still become one most important factor that helps mothers continuing this practice, where it includes individual experience, socio-demography, mother confidence, intervension (education) Conclusion: In breastfeeding intention, support and confidence are important factors in breasfeeding. Suggestion:pay more attention to prenatal care so that the mother is ready to face the breastfeeding process early in the third trimester.