Decision Making Process of Childbirth Helper and Referral for Mother Childbirth with Obstetric Emergency in Puskesmas Bandar I BatangRegency

  • Hardini Fatwati Pekalongan University
  • Rr. Vita Nur Latif Pekalongan University
  • Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih Pekalongan University


Background: The high number of maternal mortality rates in Bandar-Batang (16 cases) is caused by bleeding, pre eclampsia, disruption of blood circulation system (liver, stroke) etc. Pregnancy complication urges to have next referral in a large hospital. Referral must be the planned program, not an incidental reaction. Methods: Qualitative research with descriptive analytical was used for research design. The Samples were 5 primary informants consist of childbirth mother and 2 triangulation informants: midwife of public health center and midwife coordinator. The data was collected with in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The data was analyzed with data reduction. Results: 80% (n = 4) of mothers having the first referral is caused by: pre-eclampsia severely, early broken amniotic fluid, the fast heart rate of fetal, and long 1 time. The decision making of referral obstetric emergency problems was dominant by the patient's family (husband). The scheme of referrals is: from midwife to public health centers to hospitals. Some obstacles occurred during maternal referral are rejection and hospital access (transportation). Conclusion: Husband plays the main role in the decision making of referral obstetric emergency problem. Referral from public health center to hospital needs to follow procedure system



Public Health Study Programs, The Faculty of Health Science, Pekalongan University


Public Health Study Programs, The Faculty of Health Science, Pekalongan University


Public Health Study Programs, The Faculty of Health Science, Pekalongan University