The Difference Effectiveness Between Ginger Stew Compress And Warm Water Compress To Decrease Pain Scale In Rheumatoid Arthritis In Kenconorejo Village , Batang Regency

  • Dewi Nofitasari Pekalongan University
  • Imam Purnomo Pekalongan University
  • Santoso Tri Nugroho Pekalongan University


Background: Elderly is the age stage were facing physical and mental health problems. The problem that often happens is a joint disease, one of them is rheumatoid arthritis. Elderly with rheumatoid arthritis will experience inflammation that causes pain. Management of rheumatoid arthritis pain there is two, that is pharmacology and nonpharmacology management. One of the non-pharmacological management is a warm water compress and warm compresses of ginger stew. Objective: To determine the difference in the effectiveness of warm compresses of ginger stew and warm water compresses to decrease the scale of pain in elderly with rheumatoid arthritis. Research Method: The research design in this research was quasi-experimental with pretest design and posttest nonequivalent control group design. The population in this study was 44patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Kenconorejo Village. The sample was 24 respondents with purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted in May-June 2018. The instrument in this study used pain observation sheets with the intensity of numerical pain 1-10.Paired Ttest and Mann Whitney test were used in this study. Results: The average decrease of pain scale in the warm water compress group was 0.3 and the mean decrease of pain scale in the warm ginger stew compress group was 2. Different results using the Mann whitney test obtained a significance value of 0.0000 (p <0,05) which means there is a significant difference between warm compress ginger stew and warm water compresses to decrease the scale of pain. Conclusion: warm compound ginger stew is more effective than compressing warm water in lowering the pain scale.



Pekalongan University, Pekalongan City, Indonesia


Pekalongan University, Pekalongan City, Indonesia


Pekalongan University, Pekalongan City, Indonesia