The Effect Of Commercial Hot Pack Therapy And Isometric Exercise On Pain Reduction In Knee Joints Osteoarthritis In Elderlyposyandu Incepokokuning, Batang District

  • Irine Dwitasari Wulandari Pekalongan University
  • Isrofah Isrofah Pekalongan University


Background: Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory degenerative joint disease that characterized by degeneration of joint cartilage, bone hypertrophy at the edges, and changes in the synovial membrane, accompanied by pain and inflexibility(Novak, 1998). This disease causes pain and disability in patients and thats disrupt patients daily activities and inhibit the function to do functional tasks. So in order to reduce pain in the condition of knee osteoarthritis, the physiotherapy actions that will be carried out in this study are training in a combination of commercial hot pack therapy and isometric exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the effects of commercial hot packs and isometric exercise for decreasing knee joint pain in the elderly with osteoarthritis. Research Methods: This study uses an experimental method with randomized pre and post test control group design that compares the treatment of two groups. A total of 14 samples were determined using purposive sampling technique. The sample was divided into 2 groups, group 1 with the treatment of commercial hot pack therapy and group 2 with the treatment of training combination of commercial hot pack therapy and isometric exercise . Exercise is carried out for 6 weeks with a frequency of interventions 1 time a week for both commercial hot pack therapy and a combination of commercial hot pack therapy and isometric exercise training . The measuring instrument used is the VRS (Verbal Rating Scale) pain scale. Results: Hypothesis I test results using the Wilcoxon sign rank test obtained p value = 0.011 (p <0.05) and the results of the hypothesis II test using Wilcoxon sign rank test obtained p value = 0.015 (p <0.05) which means that both treatments has an influence on decreasing elderly knee pain with osteoarthritis in each group. The results of hypothesis III using the Mann-Whitney U test obtained p value = 0.128 (p> 0.05) which means there is no difference in the effect of commercial hot pack therapy and combination training of commercial hot pack therapy with isometric matrix on decreasing knee pain in elderly with osteoarthritis. . S conclusions: There is no difference in the effect of commercial hot pack therapy and training in a combination of commercial hot pack therapy with isometric exercise on pain relief in osteoarthriti of the knee joint . Suggestion: For further research, you can control samples from a variety of activities.



Faculty of Health Sciences , Pekalongan University


Faculty of Health Sciences , Pekalongan University