Assessing The Competency Of The Nursing Graduates Of Diploma (D3) In A Private Hospital In Semarang Indonesia: Input For An Action Plan

  • Emirensiana Anu Nono MAN Stikes St. Elisabeth Semarang
  • Eufemia F. Octaviano, RN, Ed D Trinity University of Asia, Manila


Background: The Competency of the Nurse Diploma 3 Graduates is the ability of the person which includes knowledge, skills and attitudes in completing a job according to the standard performance as determined. The researcher wanted to explore the competency of the Nurse Diploma 3 Graduates and find out is it there were significant differences in the self-assessed competencies of Nurse Diploma 3 Graduates, when their personal characteristics ware taken as test factors. The researcher aimed to develop the competencies of nurses in the service of health care in Santa Elisabeth Hospital Semarang, Indonesia. Method: The researcher used Miller GE Conceptual Framework about the assessment of the clinical competence of the Nurse Diploma 3 Graduates and Head Nurses who worked in Santa Elisabeth Hospital Semarang, Indonesia, and met the inclusion criteria. There were 187 Nurses Diploma 3 Graduates and 23 Head Nurses. Their competencies were assessed by themselves and by their Head Nurses, and tested the significant differences including their personal characteristics as test factors using t-test and ANOVA. Results : Majority of the respondents were 36 – 40 years old ( 27% ), Female (89%), Roman Catholic (89%), and their length of service 11 years and above (46%). The competencies of Nurse Diploma 3 Graduates with their corresponding weighted mean were; knowledge overall (4.24) outstanding, Skills overall (4.27) outstanding, Attitude overall (4.44) outstanding.. The assessment of the Head Nurse respondents on the competency of Nurse Diploma 3 Graduates with their corresponding weighted mean were; knowledge overall (4. 17) above average, Skills overall (4.26) outstanding, Attitude (4.40) outstanding.. Conclusions : There is no significant difference in the self-assessed competencies of Nurse Diploma3 Graduate respondents and the assessment of the Head Nurse respondents in the competency of Nurse Diploma 3 Graduates in terms of knowledge, Skills and attitudes.



Stikes St. Elisabeth Semarang


Trinity University of Asia, Manila