Expectation Versus Realization Of Health Services in Tirto Public Health Centers Pekalongan City

  • Yuniarti Yuniarti Pekalongan University


Background Public Health Services (puskesmas) is most utilized health facility such as spearhead of health services and health development. Therefore, quality of health services of puskesmas must improved continously to comply public satisfaction as users of puskesmas services. Satisfaction could be reached if expectation before patient received services exceeded realization after receive health servises. Purposes of this study are knowing about disparity between public expectation and realization of health services in public health centers. Methods This is a literature study with theoritical analysis related to theories about quality, satisfaction and health services. These contained in books, journals and relevant survey reports. Result and discussion Dimension of health services quality including ten aspects : one effectiveness, efficiency and punctuality. Those all dimentions correlated one others that influencing patient satisfaction in health services. Generally, good quality of health services could reduce the disparity about expectation and realization of patients. Patient satisfaction is well perception about health services accepted, that non differences between patient’s expectation and health services availabled. Conclussion and suggestions Increasing level of satisfaction implemented by doing continous improvement and persistenly. Its needed innovation to make continous improvement adjusted the characteristics of patients



Departement of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pekalongan University