The Relationship Between Nurse Caring Behavior With The Implementation Of Falling Risk Prevention On Elderly Patient In The Camar And Cucak Rowo Ward Of Dr. M Ashari Hospital Pemalang

  • Nurokhmah Nurokhmah Pekalongan University
  • Santoso Tri Nugroho Pekalongan University


Background : Nurse caring behavior is an attitude of caring and respecting the patient's feelings. However, nurses at Dr. Ashari Hospital Pemalang, are still considered less caring by the opinion of the community. There are many criticisms about nursing services provided to patients, as well as the incidence of patients falling in the hospital. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between nurses' caring behavior towards the implementation of prevention of the risk of falling in the elderly in Camar and Cucakrowo Ward of Dr. M Ashari Hospital Pemalang. Method: This type of research uses quantitative type with descriptive analytic research design through cross sectional approach. The research sample was 35 respondents using total sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires filled out by respondents and researchers. Spearman rank test was used to test the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable Results: Showing nurses' caring behavior mostly in the good category as many as 28 respondents (51.4%). The application of patient prevention to the risk of falling in the elderly is categorized as good (80.0%). Spearman rank test results show ρ value of 0.001 <0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between nurses' caring behavior towards the application of risk prevention to fall on the elderly in the Camar and Cucak rowo ward of Dr. M Ashari Hospital Pemalang. It is expected that the hospital will always evaluate the performance of the nurses about Caring Behavior so that the performance and service of the hospital will increase



Student of Nursing Program Faculty of Health Science, Pekalongan University


Lecturer of Nursing Program Faculty of Health Science, Pekalongan University