Aethanol Extract Of Syzygium Polianthum (EEDS) To Decreases Blood Glucose Level in sprague Dawley Rat With DM

  • Nunung Hasanah Pekalongan University


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by blood glucose levels higher than normal. Hyperglycemia increases the synthesis process or decrease the degradation of extra cellular matrix such as fibronectin. High glucose levels and last a long time, will affect the function and structure of various tissues in the body, including proteins in cells.Syzygium Polianthumextract is an antioxidant that can be used to drecreasing glucose level in the blood. This study used experimental animals of Sprague Dawley rats which were injected with a dose of 40 mg / kgBB Streptozotocin i.p. Experimental animals were divided into 4 (four) groups, namely the control group and 3 treatment groups. To the treatment group, bay leaf extract was administered. The results observed were blood glucose checks are examined using blood tests in the laboratory. The results of the analysis using the t dependent test on differences Glukose level Pre EEDS with Post EEDS showed that there were significant differences between Pre EEDS and Post EEDS (p value: 0.006). This shows that the increased bay leaf dosage can regulate blood sugar. This shows that administration of EEDS to diabetes mellitus can reduce glucose level levels.



Nursing Department Healty Faculty Pekalongan University