Self-Management : Improving Quality Of Life Patient With Cervical Cancer

  • Heni Purwaningsih Ngudi Waluyo University
  • Umi Aniroh Ngudi Waluyo University
  • Puji Purwaningsih Ngudi Waluyo University


Backgroud : Cervical Cancer is the disease with the most suffered by people after Breast Cancer. Cervical Cancer not only causes pain, death and physical disability in sufferers but also long treatment procedures can cause sufferers to experience psychological distress and feel hopeless. So that good self-management is needed to improve the management of chronic diseases, improve health and well-being and quality of life. Objectives : The purpose of this study to effectiveness self manajement and the life quality of cervical cancer. Methods : This study used a quantitative method with a descriptive correlational approach. The samples in this study were 88 samples. The research instrument used the EORTC QLQ C30 Life Quality questionnaire and self management screening (SeMaS), and data were analyzed by using Chi Square test. Result : The results obtain respondents who get less self management, most of their quality of life is lack as many as 8 respondents (47.1%). Respondents with sufficient family support, mostly have poor life quality as many as 18 respondents (58.1%). While respondents who has good self management, mostly have good life quality as many as 22 respondents (55.0%). Chi Square test results obtain pvalue 0,000 <α (0,05), so that it can be concluded that there is effectiveness self management and the life quality of cervical cancer patients. Conclusions : There were effectiveness self management and the life quality of cervical cancer patients. Suggestion : Client should improving her self management, people/family/ care giver should provide more motivation, support and more attention to the condition of cervical cancer patients. Meanwhile, for the health workers, they should concern more in supporting patients in order to improve the life quality for patients with cervical cancer.



Faculty of Nursing Ngudi Waluyo University


Faculty of Nursing Ngudi Waluyo University


Faculty of Nursing Ngudi Waluyo University