Relationship Between Game Online Addiction With Body Posture Among Elementary School Students in Pekalongan City, Central Java, Indonesia

  • Ade Irma Nahdliyah Universitas Pekalongan
  • Rahajeng Win Martani Universitas Pekalongan


Background : Indonesia’s Minister of Health (2017), expressed concern about the popularity of online games among children and adolescents which affect to many health problem such as : aggression, physical injury and addiction. One of its problem was body posture in elementary school students is needed to anticipate the worse impact. Purpose : This study aimed to describe relationship between game online addiction with body posture among elementary school students gadget active user in Pekalongan City. Methode: This study was used correlative studydesign with cross sectional approach. 117 elementary school students were involved as samples in this study using purposive sampling technique. This research was conduct during April to May 2019 in 4 (four) elementary school in Pekalongan. Flexible Curve Ruller method were using to measure body posture of elementary school students. While Indonesian Game Online Addiction instrument developed by Griffin (2009) was used to measure game online addiction. Chi-Square analysis was used to analyzed the result of this study. Results: Chi-square test results obtained p-value of 0.027 by using alpha of 0.05 then the p-value or sig. <0.05. Thus Ho is rejected, meaning there is a relationship between online game addiction and body posture in elementary school children. Conclussion: elementary school need to develop strategies to reduce gadget using in elementary school students. Healthcare provider need to develop strategy to overcome bad posture disorder in elementary school student. Recomendation: Both of school and healthcare provider should have collaboraive strategy to prevent bad posture in elementary school children.



Universitas Pekalongan


Universitas Pekalongan