The Effect Of Cross Crawl Brain Gym On Temper Tantrum In Preeschoolers Of Tk Ma’had Pekalongan

  • Mifta Maulani Susanto Pekalongan University
  • Sudirman Pekalongan University
  • Anik Indriono Pekalongan University


Background : One of the most difficult problems to overcome during children growth is temper tantrums. Temperature tantrums is a children behavior that need to be resolved for better development of children as an individual. Cross crawl brain gym is to reduce the temper tantrums by stimulating systems that are related to feelings or emotions, namely the midbrain (limbic system) and the cerebrum. Objective : The purpose of this research was how the effect of cross crawl brain gym on temper tantrums in preschoolers of TK Ma'had Islam Pekalongan. Research Method : This research method used of quisi experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this research was 105 of preschoolers in TK Ma'had Islam Pekalongan and the samples were 30 respondents which is used purposive sampling technique. The cross crawl brain gym was done 6 times a week. The data analysis of this research using SPSS. Result : The result of this research showed that the Independent T-test found that there was the effect of cross crawl brain gym on temper tantrums in preschool children with the p value = 0.006. Conclusion : The cross crawl brain gym can reduce temper tantrum in preschoolers. Nurses should regularly giving information for parents about the importance of cross crawl brain gym for reducing temper tantrums reaction among preschool children.



School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Pekalongan University


School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Pekalongan University


School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Pekalongan University