Effect Of Seven Jumps Learning Method On Student’s Soft Skills At Nursing Study Program

  • Sri Mumpuni Yuniarsih Universitas Pekalongan
  • Dani Prastiwi Pekalongan University


Soft skills are characteristics that affect an individual's personal and professional relationships and work related to career prospects. Soft skills become an important thing that must be owned by someone in supporting individual life success. The way to train student’s soft skills is to use problem-based learning methods, one of which is the seven jumps method. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the seven jumps learning method on student’s soft skills at Universitas Pekalongan. The study used the Quasy experimental method with one group pre post-test design. Respondents in this study were 47 nursing students in the second semester with the inclusion criteria for active students who followed the entire process of implementing the seven jumps from beginning to end. The instrument used is the Soft Skills Questionnaire for Students (SSQ), which measures twelve aspects in the soft skills dimension, which consists of 35 question items. The data analysis was used paired t test. The results of the study showed an average pretest score of 81.77 ± 14.589, and the average posttest score was 83.36 ± 13.167, there was a difference in scores of 1.59 points. After being tested for differences between before and after treatment with a paired T-test, it was found that the significance value was 0.275 (p value> 0.05). This value means that there is no significant difference between the student’s soft skills and after being treated. There are changes to some soft skill attributes. The implications of this research include that nursing education gives serious attention to the process of forming student soft skills in order to form a great nurse character



Dosen Prodi Keperawatan FIK Universitas Pekalongan


Dosen Prodi Keperawatan FIK Universitas Pekalongan