The Effect of Pare (Palliative Care) Education Class on Quality of Life of Chemotherapy Patients In Kraton Hospital Pekalongan

  • Dani Prastiwi Universitas Pekalongan
  • Isrofah Universitas Pekalongan
  • Kusnul Khotimah Kraton Hospital, Indonesia


Background. Cancer is known as a disease that has seriously physical and psychological impact on the sufferee. The development of cancer detection and treatment has greatly helped reduce mortality from cancer. One of them is chemotherapy. Long-term treatment undertaken by cancer patients can affect the health of patients related to quality of life (quality of life). One effort to be able to improve the quality of life of chemotherapy patients, namely by providing health education and social support for cancer patients. Objective: To determine the effect of the PARE (Palliative Care) education class on the quality of life of chemotherapy patients in Kraton hospital Pekalongan. Methods: This research is a Quasy experiment Design Without Control Group with a pre-post test approach. The sample used was 17 respondents who were selected using purposive sampling technique. Quality of Life cancer patients were measured using the Quality of Life Q-30 European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC QLQ-C30) questionnaire. Results: Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the PARE education class has a positive impact on the quality of life of chemotherapy patients both on the functional scale domain (p value = 0.028), symptom item domain (p value = 0.006) and general health domain (p value = 0.012). Conclusion: There is an influence of the PARE education class on the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.



Nursing Program, Health Science Faculty, Universitas Pekalongan, Indonesia


Nursing Program, Health Science Faculty, Universitas Pekalongan, Indonesia


Kraton Hospital, Indonesia