• Suryani Pekalongan University


Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, the Almighty God, because of His grace and guidance we can attend the opening ceremony of the International Nursing Conference on Chronic Disease Management 2019. Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to Pekalongan University, a creative campus in the City of Pekalongan, the World Creative City which is famous for its batik. In accordance with the conference theme, chronic diseases are still a common problem that we have to find solutions. One way to find effective and efficient solutions is by reviewing the latest relevant research results. I hope that the presence of experts from various countries can provide the latest insights in the field of health, especially in managing chronic diseases through the latest results of research and technological innovations. I express my gratitude to all the speakers who are willing to present here. The Co-Host Institutions which have participated in the success of this event, I hope that this collaboration will continue in the form of wider cooperation such as joint research, student or lecturer exchanges, and other forms of mutual cooperation. Finally, as the Rector of Pekalongan University, I would like to express my highest gratitude and appreciation to the Committee and all stakeholders who have contributed their thoughts, time and sincerity to advancing Pekalongan University in the future. May Allah bless all our noble efforts.



Rector of Universitas Pekalongan