• Sri Mumpuni Yuniarsih Pekalongan University


The honorable all of the speakers, Chairman of Samartya Mahotsaha Paramadharma Foundation, Rector of Pekalongan University and all the Vice Rectors, all the chairmen of co-host universities from Ngudi Waluyo University Ungaran, Kalasin University Thailand and An Giang University Vietnam. The honorable Mayor of Pekalongan City, the Head of Pekalongan City Health Office, and all the invited guests, the conference committee, also all the participants of this conference. Bismillahirohmanirrohim, Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wa barokatuh WELCOME REMARKS OF CHAIR PERSON OF ORGANIZING COMMITTEE All of our praise is always offered to the presence of God Almighty, who has bestowed His mercy and blessings on us all so that today, Wednesday 7 August 2019, we can meet to attend the International Nursing Conference on Chronic Disease Management 2019 hosted by Pekalongan University. We would like to welcome all the speakers, participants, and invited guests in Pekalongan, the World Creative City and the City of Batik. The purpose of this conference is so that we have the opportunity to share information about various strategies to overcome chronic diseases and become a forum for the application of research findings related to chronic diseases and other relevant themes. Through this activity, it is expected to create innovation and meet the demands of the development of science, technology, and socio-culture, especially in the health sector. This conference can be held with the help of various parties. Thanks to the Rector of Pekalongan University and all the Vice Rectors, co-host universities from Ngudi Waluyo University Ungaran, Kalasin University Thailand and An Giang University Vietnam, all the speakers, the expert teams, the Indonesian National Nurse Association (PPNI) and all the sponsors participating in this conference. We need to report that the conference participants were approximately 200 participants consisting of students, lecturers, nurse practitioners both from domestic and abroad. We recognize that the holding of this conference still has many possible shortcomings in the presentation of events, administrative services, and limited facilities. For that, we apologize profusely. Finally, I hope that the conference participants will benefit greatly from this activity so that we are able to create a good research atmosphere and a strong, sustainable and quality research culture in accordance with the development of health science and technology.



Chair person of the Conference Committee INC2DM