Chronic Diseases Management On Perspective Islamic Medicine

  • Dr Tengku Ahmad Damitri Al Astani Universiti Sains Malaysia


This speech mainly focuses on concept of chronic diseases management on perspective Islamic medicine. It starts from the introduction of Universiti sains malaysia. Overview about medical ethics in Islam: definition, Islamic Principle of morality and ethics in Islam and spiritual care. Statistic of chronic desease in Malaysia e.g Diabetes Melitus, hypertension and heart Attack. Islamic perspective on chronic disease include religious aspect, pastoral aspect, psychological aspect and supportive aspect. Overall, the speech concludes that there are differences on the conceptual definition of health in Islam as compared to the WHO definition of health. Islam is a religion that emphasizes on the mind, body and soul. A person is considered healthy in this world if he or she is clean from all sorts of worldly diseases which are connected to a person’s heart and body. Besides, health in the hereafter refers to purity of the heart from sickness such as envy, disbelief, hypocrisy etc. For that reason, health from the Islamic perspectives covers health in this world and in the afterlife. Thus, the Islamic perspective of health can be considered more holistic as compared to the definition given by WHO which resonates more with the Western paradigm.



Department of Chemical Pathology, School of Medical sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia