Nursing Ethics in Chronic Diseases Management

  • Dr Khadizah H.Abdul-Mumin institute of Health Science University Brunei Darussalam


This speech focuses on Nursing Ethics in Chronic Diseases Management. It starts discuse about chronic diseases and concept of chronicity. Chronicity can be define as condition that alters normal routine indefinitely, perharps for lifetime, may or may not associate with disease, no predictable end, need medical or hospital help more than 30 days, and can be managed but not cure. Chronic diseases are complex, : it’s about vulnerable condition, chronic diseases are major diseases, these are need special treatment and need interprofessional care. And these are becoming more problem if sufferer are living alone without family assistant. Chronic diseases become more complex because by 2020 more than 20% of world population will be 65 and older (53 million), frail elderly are the fastest growing population by 2020, and national health Expenditures were expected to rise two times the rates of inflation. Further, this speech discus about Nursing Ethics in Chronic disease management, e.g : beneficience (do good), Non maleficient ( do no harm), Autonomy (respect patient right), Justice, transparency and Fidelity. Overall, the speech concludes that as a nurse We should make decision making while taking care of patient with chronic diseases. The decision should not violate nursing ethic, we will encounter ethical issue if the decision that we made is conflicting with values, beliefs, goals, or responsibilities. The decision making should respect persons, fair and should be sure why the decision was made. So nurse as decision maker should aware about moral issue, nature, important information, facts, evidence, rules and values, who decide and act, consequence, and options.



Senior Assistant Profesor Program Leader (Nursing & Midwifery) PAPRSB, institute of Health Science University Brunei Darussalam