Mental Health and Palliative care on Chronic disease Management

  • Professor Suryani Padjajaran University


Mental illness has become trend of disease beside degenerative disease, Cancer and HIV/AIDS. Globally, 1 in 4 (25%) people suffer from mental illness in both developed and developing countries. Mental illness do not discriminate their victim. They can affect anyone: men, women and children, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status. (WHO, 2013). In Indonesia with the total population of 265 million the prevalence of severe mental disorder increase from 1,7 % in 2013 to 7% in 2018 (Riskesdas, 2018). Mental illness, especially chronic mental illness, has become the global burden of disease since the sufferer cannot live productively (cannot work) cause by handicap and disability. This condition bring the changing in mental health services. Mental health services are no longer focus only on treatment, but rather on recovery after treatment and continuity of care to better quality of life. Therefore, mental health nurses should to enhance the quality of care for people with mental illness. Unfortunately, until now mental illness management program in Indonesia still focus on medication rather than recovery, still relying on mental hospitals as the main service. Service available is not integrated, mental health services in the community are inadequate and families have lack of knowledge how to care for the patients. These conditions have impacted on recovery of the patients. The patients become dependent and never fully recovered. To address the problem, since 2015 I have developed model of recovery for patients with chronic mental illness. Many activities have been done to achieve the goal of the project including researches, community services and collaboration with government and community leader. Some articles have been published as outcome of the research. There is still need to do some research to produce a good and accurate recovery model.



Padjajaran University Bandung Indonesia