Psychosocial Aspects of Living Alone among Older Women in Indonesia

  • Siwi Sri Widhowati, S.Kep., Ns., Ms.c National Cheng Kung University Taiwan


The world’s population is experiencing global aging. The population of older adults is growing faster in developing countries including Indonesia, followed with increasing number of older women living alone due to the higher incidence of widowhood among older women and the higher life expectancy of older women than older men. Living alone among older women has been associated with psychosocial consequences, but literature to date includes conflicting findings about the association between living alone and psychosocial aspects. There are limited published works have investigated the association of living alone and psychosocial problems among older women in Indonesia. This speech is mainly focused on the issues of pshychosocial aspects of living alone among older women. Major psychosocial aspects of living alone among older women resulted from a systematic review are depressive symptoms and loneliness. Investigated from Indonesia data, living alone was also significantly associated with loneliness and depressive symptoms. Influenced by different significant related factors, loneliness and depression are independent constructs of older women living alone in Indonesia. Tailored interventions related to the associate factors of each construct should be addressed



PhD student, Department of Nursing, College of Medicine National Cheng Kung University Taiwan