• Siska Rusmalina Universitas Pekalongan
  • Kharismatul Khasanah Universitas Pekalongan


COVID-19 is a new disease with a rapid transmission. This makes people fear a contagion more massive. Efforts to increase the body's immune systemare carried out. One ofthemis byconsuming Jamu. During the COVID-19, the level of Jamu consumption increased. Jamu contains the composition of empon-empon (herbs) which has undoubted antioxidant content. This antioxidant content plays a role in increasing body immunity. So that people consume Jamu that is legal, safe, nutritious, and of quality. It is necessary to do research to trace the registration number of Jamu during the pandemic. This type of research is descriptive research. The first stage of packaging research. This search is carried out by looking at the completeness of the information on the product packaging. Second, tracing the registration number at the POM RI through a web page BPOM. The results of the registration number tracing, it was found that the sample was not registered at the BPOM. This search is very easy for people to do during the pandemic who puts forward an online application. This convenience will have a good impact on public health. The community can avoid the dangers of consuming illegal Jamu, and it is safe to use legal Jamu