• Siti Nurhayati Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Pekalongan


Globalization and industrialization have plagued all the countries of the world. Industrialization has entered the fourth generation (known as the 4.0 industry revolution). This generation has found a new pattern when disruptive technology is present so quickly and threatens the existence of long-standing companies. Such conditions hit all companies around the world, not to mention also hit the companies in Indonesia. Indonesia has been declared as a developing country whose society is the most active in the utilization of information technology and has a dynamic start-up ecosystem.Responding to the wave of industrial revolution to 4.0, the education industry requires a new reorientation in the provision of education, both in primary, secondary and high education.In order for education to remain highly relevant in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 or disruption era, educators (teachers and lecturers) in the learning process need to integrate simultaneously and unified learning achievements in three areas: achievement of old literacy, new literacy, and literacy scholarship.If it does not integrate into the 3 areas of learning achievement, the possibility of graduates will be illiterated. Lecturers must be able to adapt to Industrial Revolution 4.0. The pattern of learning can no longer use the old pattern, the lecturer must be able to follow the development of technology so as to produce highly competitive graduates. Lecturers should also be able to spread 'passion' and inspire students and not spread the news that is not necessarily true (hoax), lecturers also become friends for students, lecturers must also be role models and characters.That conditions requires universities to prepare professional human resources (lecturers), in the sense of having the qualifications, competencies, and other skills required in this era of rapid information technology development.Competence development opportunities should be utilized so that lecturers can play a maximum role in preparing candidates for graduates to have high competitiveness.


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