• Hendar Ahmad Wibisono Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Mohammad Affan King Saud University
Keywords: ICT Learning, Student Centered Learning


This study aims to improve hard skills in ICT learning based on student-centered learning at Ibnu Hajar Mandiri Islamic Primary School. This research is in the form of classroom action research. Although there have been several changes to the learning curriculum in Indonesia, Technology, Information, and Communication (ICT) is certainly one field of study expected to increase skill competence. In fact, there are still many ICT courses that only focus on knowledge competencies. The lack of real implementation and interesting methods makes the field of ICT study a subject that is considered boring. The research object in this study was all grade V and VI students of Ibnu Hajar Mandiri Islamic Primary. The data collection method used in this study was to construct a structured questionnaire. This questionnaire was made based on research problems and research hypotheses that had been formulated previously. In this study, researchers used the Pearson bivariate method to test validity. Where in this test by doing a bivariate correlation between each item score with the total item score. The reliability test aims to determine the extent to which the measurements made in this study can be trusted or reliable. The reliability test was carried out by calculating the Cronbach's Alpha value of each instrument in a variable. The value to determine the reliability of an instrument is the value of Cronbach's Alpha greater than 0.6. The results of this study are that there is a significant relationship between the application of the student-centered learning method and the hard skills of students, moreover, the abilities that have been taught by teachers at school can already be implemented properly in using computer devices as a support for everyday student learning.
