• Raditya Melisari Universitas Pekalongan
Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Jigsaw Learning


This study aims to improve reading comprehension in English subjects using the Jigsaw method for students in class X Automotive Engineering at SMK Muhammadiyah Pekalongan. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. In the initial observation, the researcher used a questionnaire in the form of a reading comprehension instrument in English lessons with a rubric to get results in the form of scores. For class X English, the minimum completeness criterion is 75. Out of 31 students, only 11 (35%) students pass, whose scores are above 75, while 20 (65%) students do not complete under the KKM. The results of observations in learning from 31 students who were able to understand reading were only 11 children (35%). while the remaining 20 students (65%) could not understand the reading. Based on the conditions described above, the researcher will conduct research with the title: "Using Jigsaw to Improve Students' Reading Comprehension. The results of learning with the jigsaw method are very significant, namely reading comprehension in English lessons is good and correct, this is evident from the results in cycle I showing an average value of 91.18 out of 29 students, 28 students have completed it, while there is still 1 student which has not been completed because it is still below the KKM, namely 53.87, the highest score is 100, the lowest score is 53.87.