• Abdul Rahman Universitas Pekalongan
Keywords: The Role, educator, film


This research aims to find out the role of educator and the effect of the educator to the students in Freedom Writers film. The writer used qualitative research by using objective approach. It means that this method focused on describing and interpreting the main issue. This study had two kinds of research object; material object and formal object. The material object was a movie Freedom Writers film. Meanwhile, the formal object was the Role of Erin Gruwell as an Educator in Freedom Writers film. The instrument of this research was Freedom Writers Film. The finding showed that teacher should search the topic which near with student’s life. As a good English teacher, teacher should make some strategies in their learning process by using various teaching techniques. The teaching technique used in the film was authentic material which was dominated in teaching techniques used by the main character in the movie Freedom Writers. These strategy is to attract the student’s attention. Value is important to student behavior and teacher is one of factors who can affect value in school. The researcher found some values from the main character in this movie, such as; honesty, courage, peace ability, self confidence, and capability, self discipline and moderation, loyality and trustworthy, respect, sensitive and unselfish, love and affection, kind and friendly, justice and humane. Teacher is a role model for their students then, they should have a good behavior and attitude to make the students follow the right example from the teacher.