• Nabilla Tsuraya Universitas Pekalongan
  • Inayatul Ulya Universitas Pekalongan
Keywords: developing, learning material, narrative text


In the teaching learning process, it cannot be separated from learning materials, researcher develop e-novel as learning materials in narrative text that can be accessed via the internet. Novel is a form of literary work, the story in the novel is a work of imagination that discusses the problem of a person or character. The objectives of this research were to investigate the need of developing e-novel as teaching material of narrative text and to explain the development of e-novel as teaching material of narrative text. The research taken by the researcher is Research and Development (R&D). The R&D research method it is a research method which is used to make a product that will be tested whether the product can be used or not. The result of this study is that students need e-novels as learning materials because they can help students to get ideas for writing narrative texts, it can be proven by data from students who chose 45% to agree and 25% to strongly agree, while the other 30% chose neutral. Learning material for writing narrative text through e-novel validator gives an assessment of Very Good and learning material for writing text through e-novel validator provides an assessment that e-novel can be used with minor revisions. With this data, the researcher developed an e-novel as a learning material that can be used in learning writing for professional context, especially in narrative text.