• Hildan Hidayatullah universitas pekalongan
  • M. Fajru Sidqi
Keywords: Keywords: Assessment application, English assessment, emergency mode assessment application features.


Perkembangan zaman menjadi faktor utama didalam masa pandemi covid-19 mendorong SMK Gondang untuk mengembangkan aplikasi penilaian tanpa menggunakan kouta dan server yang diberi nama aplikasi penilaian belajar mode darurat tanpa kouta dan server atau aplikasi penilaian mode offline. Secara khusus artikel ini mencoba menjelaskan cara penerapan dan fitur komponen pada aplikasi penilaian mode offline untuk mendukung proses kegiatan penilaian bahasa inggris di SMK Gondang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, dengan pemgumpulan datanya dilakukan melalui observasi, wanwancara dan dokumentasi dalam penerapan aplikasi penilaian mode offline di penilaian bahasa inggris. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan proses penerapan aplikasi penilaian belajar mode offline dengan cara hasil soal yang dibuat setiap guru mata pelajaran digenerate lalu dibagikan ke siswa, file teks jawaban dikirim ke guru atau panitia ujian melalui grup whatsapp CBT lalu file teks jawaban tersebut diimpor ke aplikasi penilaian belajar mode offline untuk menghasilkan nilai siswa, Sedangkan fiturnya berupa siswa bisa mengakses soal di web tanpa menggunakan kouta, hasil ujian hanya berupa tanpa harus dicetak dan proses penilaian hasil file teks jawaban siswa tinggal di impor ke aplikasi tanpa di scan. Setidaknya dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, yaitu: dimasa pandemi covid-19 ini aplikasi penilaian yang tidak menggunakan kouta dan server ini sangat membantu sekolah khususnya SMK Gondang dalam melaksanakan kegiatan penilaian ujian sekolah tanpa mengeluarkan biaya yang berlebihan. Peneliti berharap temuan ini memberikan beberapa informasi yang berguna bagi sekolah yang kesulitan dalam pelaksanaan ujian sekolah dimasa pandemi covid-19 khususnya penilaian bahasa inggris.








The development of the times is the main factor during the Covid-19 pandemic, encouraging Gondang Vocational School to develop an assessment application without using quotas and servers which are named the emergency mode learning assessment application without quotas and servers or offline mode assessment applications. In particular, this article tries to explain how to implement and feature components in offline mode assessment applications to support the process of English language assessment activities at SMK Gondang. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach, with data collection carried out through observation, interviews and documentation in the application of offline mode assessment applications in English assessment. The results of the study show the process of applying the offline mode learning assessment application by generating the results of questions made by each subject teacher and then distributed to students, the answer text file is sent to the teacher or the exam committee via the CBT whatsapp group and then the answer text file is imported into the learning assessment application. offline mode to generate student scores, while the feature is in the form of students being able to access questions on the web without using a quota, the test results are only in the form without having to be printed and the process of assessing the results of the student answer text files can be imported into the application without being scanned. At least some conclusions can be drawn from this research, namely: during the covid-19 pandemic, this assessment application that does not use quotas and servers is very helpful for schools, especially Gondang Vocational School in carrying out school exam assessment activities without incurring excessive costs. Researchers hope that these findings provide some useful information for schools that have difficulty implementing school exams during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially English language assessment.

Keywords: Assessment application, English assessment, emergency mode assessment application features.
