• Andi Nurlinda Nutrition Department, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muslim Indonesia


Malnutrition is still a common problem that occurs in the developing countries. In Kenya, chronic malnutrition is a problem with the national average of 33% (H / A) which describes a child representing each child stunted (short), especially in children with bad nutritional status and increase the proportion of 30-40% of children suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of food and infectious diseases. Pakistan found the prevalence of severely malnourished children by 22%. Based on national reports basic health research (RISKESDAS) nationwide in 2007, the prevalence of underweight children of school age (male) was 13.3%, while the national prevalence of underweight children of school age (women) was 10.9%. The prevalence of obese school-age children (male) was 9.5%, and the national prevalence of obese school-age children (female) was 6.4%. The purpose of this study is to describe the level consumption of energy, vitamins, and minerals in children in SDN karuwisi II Makassar 2013. The type of research is a survey research.. The population in this study were students of class I, II, and III as many as 64 students. Samples are 55 students who obtained using purposive sampling method selecting pupils aged 7-9 years. The survey results showed that 25.4% of children consume energy deficit high level, the deficit level medium are 16.4% of children, mild deficit are 7.23% of the children, 16.4% in the normal levels and the higher level are 34.6 % of children. All children consume vitamin A. Total 96.4% of children taking vitamin B levels of deficit, and 3.64% of children in the normal levels. And total 92.8% of children taking vitamin C in the normal levels and 7.28% of consumption level of deficit. All children consume calcium to normal levels. A total of 92.3% of children consume normal levels of phosphorus, and 7.23% deficit level children. All children consume iron to normal levels. Some children still lack of energy intake, consumption of vitamin A is good, the consumption of vitamin B are still largely lacking, vitamin C largely been met, the consumption of calcium and iron are met, only a small proportion of children who have not met phospornya consumption. It is expected that the level of consumption of macro and micro nutrients are met according to the needs of children for primary school age is a stage of growth and development.