Main Character’s Internal Conflicts in Plath’s Novel “The Bell Jar”

  • Patricia Martha Olivia Universitas Pasundan
  • Zubaedah Wiji Lestari Universitas Pasundan
  • Erik Rusmana Universitas Pasundan
Keywords: novel, internal conflict, main character, Sylvia Plath


This research focuses on analyzing the main character's internal conflicts in the novel "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath. The purpose of this research is to find evidence of internal conflicts owned by the main character in this novel. The writers use the limitation that only analyze one character conflicts with one point of view using the semiotic approach by Peirce (1860) this research, the writer uses a qualitative research approach to find and analyze data in the form of text to answer research questions. The data in The Bell Jar emphasizes the monologue that is carried out by the main character by underlining the evidence of the novel's text in the document analysis process. The analysis was conducted by using an observation checklist and field-noted instruments. The writer found that the problems of internal conflicts conveyed by Plath as an author are owned by the main character in this novel after the writer correlated the analysis of nine internal conflicts and ten symbols in certain chapters. Plot and point of view were also carried out carefully to facilitate the discovery of the main topic analysis and these two things open up new evidence that is directly related to the main topic