The Grammatical Error Factors Towards Student’ Writing Skill in Formative Task

  • Damayanti Nadia Universitas Pekalongan
  • Permanasari Pradnya Universitas Pekalongan


Error analysis is very important, because teacher would know the error that made by students. In this research the writer used descriptive qualitative research to find out the most common type of the grammatical errors made by students of eleventh social 5 in SMA 1 Bojong based on their daily test using Dulay theory and to find out the factors which influence the students’ grammatical errors using Noorish theory. The result of this research is there were 231 error items which were made by 36 students. The first position was misformation with 92 error items misformation or 39.83%. The next position was omission with 76 error items of omission or 32.90%. Then, the third position was addition. The writer found 42 error items of addition or 18.18% and 21 error items misordering or 9.09%. Futhermore, the dominant errors made by students is misformation errors. Meanwhile, the result of the factors which influence the students’ are carelessness and translation. Using this research, the writer suggests the students have more pay attention and make a note when the teacher explains the material. The writer suggests the teachers focus on the tenses while giving any English material.



Universitas Pekalongan


Universitas Pekalongan