Pesan Moral dalam Novel Penyalin Cahaya Karya Lucia Priandarini dan Implikasinya dalam Pembelajaran di SMA

  • Syukron Habiiburrokhman Universitas Pekalongan
  • Desyarini Puspita Dewi Universitas Pekalongan


This study aims to identify and analyze the moral message of Lucia Priandarini's Copy of Light and to describe its implications for KD learning. 3.4 To analyze the content and language of novels in high school. The type of research used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research. This study uses qualitative research because the data is in the form of symbols and meanings in language, not numbers. The research conducted aims to describe the moral messages contained in the novel entitled The Light Copier by Lucia Priandarini. The data in this study are the dialogues and sentences contained in the novel The Light Copier by Lucia Priandarini. moral messages (sentences that have meaning, good and bad messages related to behavior) that can be explained and studied. The results of this study, previously explained regarding the discussion in this study, there are 22 data that contain moral messages and can be implicated in learning about novel analysis, especially in KD 3.4 Analyzing the content and language of novels. These implications are in the form of teaching materials that are useful as material for analyzing novels, especially in analyzes that identify intrinsic and extrinsic elements as well as language in a novel. Apart from analyzing the moral message, this research is useful as knowledge literature about the meanings contained in this novel.



Universitas Pekalongan


Universitas Pekalongan