Code Mixing And Code Switching On Deddy Corbuzier Video Entitled “Mungkin Salah Satu Motivasi Terbaik Yang Akan Pernah Anda Dengar”

  • Muhammad Rilifansyah Universitas Pekalongan
  • Rizka Hayati Universitas Pekalongan


Youtube is one of the largest digital platforms with many videos that can be enjoyed by everyone. We can find many videos that contained code mixing and code switching on Youtube. Code mixing and switching is one of the interesting phenomena uttered by bilingual person. For that reason, the writer are interested in finding out the types of code mixing and code switching in youtube video. To analyze the data, the researcher used the theory from Musyken (2000:3) and Poplack (1980). This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. In collecting the data the researcher used the documentation method. After analyzing the data, there were 25 data in the form of code mixing and code switching. The most dominant types of code mixing was alternation with 14 data, and the lowest was code mixing congruent lexicalization with 2 data.