An Analysis Of Student Teachers Pedagogic Competence In Performing Micro Teaching

  • Dwi M. Utomo Universitas Pekalongan
  • Inayatul Ulya Universitas Pekalongan
  • Sarlita D. Matra Universitas Pekalongan


This research aimed to describe the student teachers pedagogic competence in performing micro teaching, and describe the difficulty that faced by student teacher in having micro teaching performance. The research method used was qualitative research. Meanwhile, the research subjects are student teacher in micro teaching class of the sixth semester of English Education Department Pekalongan University. The data and data source were taken from video recording of student teacher in micro teaching and it was evaluated based on Permendikbud 2014 Number 90 regarding competency standards, emphasizes on pedagogical competencies. The primary data and secondary data were from the video evaluation of ten participants and the score made based on score rubric. Techniques of analyzing data used based on Milles and Huberman which included data reduction, data display and interpretation. The result of this research shows that the student teacher had difficulty in managing their time to include evaluation at the end of the lesson and optimizing their media to improve their teaching during micro teaching.