• Ekfindar Diliana Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro


This descriptive qualitative study aims at investigating the tendency of particularized and generalized conversational implicature used by Brebesnese friends in the work place, and it aims at figuring out why they use certain particularized implicature. The theories employed are conversational implicature theory by Grice (1975) and face wants theory by Brown and Levinson (1987). The conversation among Brebesnese friends in writer’s work place was taken purposively as sample. By using observation method with transcription technique, the writer found that they tended to use particularized implicature (72.2%) more often than generalized implicature (27.7%). People used particularized implicature mostly because they wanted to save and to threaten their own face or the hearer’s face. Meanwhile, generalized implicature was used to imply ‘not all’, to imply the opposite, and to imply the contradiction to the factual condition.