Teaching of prepositional relative clause: the need for paraphrasing skill to facilitate students in translation

  • Drs. Bambang Suroso, M. Hum Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto


translation whose difference, it seems, lies on the labelling of the act of the translator, the material acted upon and the end result. Both bahasa Indonesia and English have noun phrase system. The difference is that in English a noun can be pre and post modified, while in Bahasa Indonesia a noun can only be post modified. Relative clause is an adjective clause with relative pronoun, mainly who, whom, that, which, and whose as the subordinator. The solution of this problem is that we should not be distracted from the fact that the construction is still the same, with or without preposition. they find difficulty getting the message from a translated work they will not think that it is because of translator, rather they may think it is the original work which is to blame or it is themselves who are not sophisticated or smart enough to understand a piece of writing