• Tri Mulyono Universitas Pekalongan
  • Ida Ayu Panuntun Universitas Pekalongan
  • Pradnya Permanasari Universitas Pekalongan


This research examines the use of politeness principles in “Freedom Writers” movie by Richard LaGravenese (2007). It aims to identify, classify, and analyze the politeness principles and their function in characters utterance in the Freedom Writers movie. This research used a descriptive method. The data collected from utterances among characters, then classify and analyze them to the concept of Leech’s maxim (1983). Based on Leech theory there are six result of maxims that found by researcher. They are tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim, and their function applied by the characters in their utterances. The first is tact maxim consist of 3 utterances that function is minimizes cost to other and maximizes benefit to the other. Second is generosity maxim consist of 2 utterances and the function is to minimizes benefit to self and maximizes cost to self. Third is approbation maxim consist of 6 utterances that function is to minimizes dispraise of other and maximizes praise of other. Fourth is modesty maxim consist of 3 utterances that function is to minimizes praise of self and maximizes dispraise of self. Fifth is agreement maxim which consist of 2 utterances that function is to maximizes agreement between self and other and minimizes disagreement between self and other. Sixth, sympathy maxim which consist of 3 utterances that function is to minimizes antipathy between self and other and maximizes sympathy between self and other. The researcher is expected that this research can help the readers to study about pragmatic especially politeness principles because, it was interesting and important to study.