• Ayu Marthiana Dew Universitas Pekalongan
  • Sarlita D Matra Universitas Pekalongan


This research aims to find out the problems faced by fourth semester students in learning English tense, the factors which caused the issue and obviously the solution to improve the ability especially in learning English tenses. The writer used descriptive research by using qualitative descriptive approach using online surveys. This research has been conducted in the fourth semester of English Language Education at Universitas Pekalongan in academic year of 2019/2020. The instruments of this research were questionnaire and interview using online method. For the questionnaire, the writer distributed to the students via WhatsApp. Then, for the interview the writer asked some questions to students via WhatsApp. The finding showed that most of the respondents had difficulties in understanding the formula of each tenses. It was because they had lack of understanding in learning the formula of each tense. They were feeling confused in determining the formula and could not differentiate between the formula of each tenses. There was the factor that most of respondents had limitation in learning English tenses. There were the respondents who did not like to review the materials and had minimum curiosity when they found the difficulties. They did not try to find more explanation on other resources. The writer concluded that the respondents need more practice about English tenses materials in order to improve their ability in learning the materials. The respondents should have the interest to learn English tenses first and also in good feeling while they learn materials