• Istadiyantha Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sebelas Maret


Early in the 17th century there were Sufi scholars who were very well known in Aceh who had different theological concepts of thought. Each of these Sufi figures has a different concept of deity, Nuruddin Arraniri has beliefs about Wachdatusy-syuhuud (personal mysticism) and Hamzah Fansuri belief about Wachdatul Wujuud (union mysticism). The mystical Union's thought was seen by Nuruddin Arraniri as a heretical sect, while the group which shares similarity with Hamzah Fansuri's ideology has completely ignored such criticism given by Nuruddin Arraniri. Even Hamzah Fansuri has content to undergo any legal sanctions such as imposed on him. These two concepts of theological thinking were examined qualitatively, based on library data, or library research. The difference in theological concepts in those two streams of Sufism are quite interesting among people of the time, for it has always been an interesting thing to discuss in current age. Because of the rebuttal by Nuruddin Arraniri against Hamzah Fansuri's thought being the ruler's target object at the time, Nuuruddin's refutation was carried out on the mandate of King Iskandar II. As the King of Aceh, which means this event was marked significant by the community, for it also needs to be more specifically studied.




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