Potensi Wilayah Pesisir dengan Aplikasi Bahan Organik, Pada Budidaya Tanaman Melati, Menuju Ekonomi Kreatif dalam Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

  • Ari Handriatni Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pekalongan
Keywords: coastal areas, soil organic matter, web-based jasmine cultivation


The coastal area is a meeting area between land and sea, towards land covering parts of the land, both dry and submerged in water, which are still influenced by the characteristics of the sea. The coastal area is a marginal land for cultivating agricultural crops, because it has a sandy soil structure, has high salinity and the area is quite extensive. For that we need to be treated with the provision of soil organic matter, such as manure, green manure, compost, topsoil, banana lump pieces, moss, cocopeat, fern extract, rice husk. The soil organic matter can be selected according to existing materials or available in coastal areas. When processing land, the soil organic matter is mixed with sandy soil. By providing organic materials can create optimal physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Plants that hold high salinity are jasmine plants, application of soil organic matter, can increase the production and quality of jasmine plants. By paying attention to the benefits of jasmine flowers that have high economic value and prospective, it can increase the income of jasmine farmers, in accordance with the industrial revolution 4.0, web-based marketing. or on line, can be applied to economic actors in coastal areas.