The International Nursing Conference on Chronic Disease Management is the first event held by the Nursing Study Program at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Pekalongan University. This event involved 4 countries from Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Brunei Darussalam which was attended by participants from public and health students. ISSN Number Media Online Publication website of International Conference on Chronic Disease Management

Chronic disease is defined as a human experience of illness and suffering at least six months. It may affect a person’s mobility, independence, way of life, self perception, and interpersonal relationship.Chronic disease has killed 41 million people each year, the equivalent of 71% of all deaths globally (WHO, 2018).Its estimates that at least 70% of deaths from chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, and stroke) in 2020 is projected to occur in the developing countries (Statista, 2019).

Globally, chronic diseases are threatening progress towards 2030 Agenda for sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs) adopted by all Member States of the United Nations by the year 2015. Heads of State and Government of the Member States are committed to developing an ambitious national response, in the year 2030, to reduce one third of premature deaths from chronic diseases/disease is not contagious through prevention and treatment ( target SDG 3.4) (WHO, 2019).

International Nursing Conference on Chronic Diseases Managementhas conduct to support WHO’s program on chronic disease management. International Nursing Conference on Chronic Diseases Management organized by the Nursing School of UniversitasPekalonganwhich dedicated to create a stage of exchanging the latest research results and scientific findings, practices and the latest nursing innovations related to chronic disease management in a comprehensive perspective included in clinical management, community management, palliative care, mental health, treatment of Islam, and more.

Diterbitkan: 2019-08-07